Просмотр полной версии : Joint pains, temperature

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

Coming back to my subject on therapy has collected in kuchku all

Analyses (has discharged from hospital after antibiotics and Prednisolonum)

- 3-0,9, 4-54, -1,1

Calcium 1,1

Parat garmon 6,9 (norm or rate 1,3-7,6 ??y/l)

Folic to-that 10,6

- Hepatitises:


cor AB obshch (+)

anti HBS (+)

-HAV Igm (-)

-HBsAg (-)

-HCVAb (-)

- An anemia:






% of saturation-14,3


Transferin 3,88

After reception of iron in 5 days

Gemogl 130, -4,1, -0,95, iron 8,26

After ogranichija Saccharum

S-a peptide 2,78

Insulin 31,1

fruktozamin 222

glikolizirovannogo a hemoglobin-5,91

Saccharum 5,2

Day time fluctuations of Saccharum: 3,8; 4,2; 4,7

Antibodies to an insulin and ostrovkam will not soon

Thrombocytes 276


A/nuclear 5

With/nuclear 63

Eoz 1



Soe 7

VSK 4,05

Creatinine 0,064

Urea 2,89

Billirubin 10

ALT 51


Timolovaja 1,4

PTI 88

Amylase 59

SRB (-)

Credit ASL 19,43


KFK 59

LDG 289

Cholesterin 7,2

Obshch fiber 68,72





Le (-)


After a rigid diet, in 2 weeks

The general or common cholesterin 5,0

LPVP 1,15

LPNP 2,81

LPONP 1,04

Triglycerides 2,26

Koef aterogennosti 3,3

Urine in norm or rate

Roentgen of brushes: narrowing sust clefts or rima it is falangeal without essential dynamics or changes with 2000 and 2002. Destructive changes are not present

Uzi: Diffusive or Diffuse changes of a liver on a background of a fatty hepatosis. Diffusive or diffuse changes of a pancreas. A board of iron it is not increased, contours equal, the structure or frame is homogeneous.

Look or See please my analyses

Yours faithfully Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena, urovne TTG it is normal (on a thyroxine?), digits of a glycemia and glikogemoglobina normalny-on a background of restriction of carbohydrates legkousvojaemyh.

Both these situations are not connected with the basic zhaloboj-articulate or joint with-thit.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Elena!

High OZHSS and low saturation of a transferrin (in norm or rate of 25-35 %), a low ferritin specify the iron deficiency status. If after 5 days of reception of iron its or his level in Serum has more likely decreased (12,1 - 8,26) it is similar, that appointed or nominated iron at you is not soaked up.

To that the reason can be: low acidity zhel. Juice, presence helikobaktera, less often - nedostat. A dose of iron (napr. 5-10 mg instead of put 60-100).

Ways of elimination: to reveal helikobakter and it or him eraditsirovat (triplex-therapy), to try to accept iron on an empty stomach in a sufficient dose with askorbinkoj (400-500 mg), perhaps with amino acid L-lysine. On this background periodically to check iron - the purpose - to lift its or his level not less than 20-25. At failure - to consider the problem on purpose or appointment of iron i.v.

Sometimes helikobakter it is suspected as the initiating agent at arthritises:

Infection. 1999; 27 (4-5):252-5.

Helicobacter pylori - a trigger of reactive arthritis?

Melby KK, Kvien TK, Glennas A.

Chistjakova Maria
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

Thyroxine I do not accept

And what to do or make with a calcium?

I accept kaltsium on 2 tab 1 in day

Thanks for consultation

Yours faithfully Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Vadim Valerevich!

To me it is now much better after hospital.

Tmne pricked +, gave summamed (appendages and helikobakter) then prokapali Prednisolonum 3 90 and one 60.

I.v. fiz r-O, a papaverine, magnesia, a potassium.

Joints hurt much less, iogu to go on legs or foots more longly,

The truth I sit on very rigid diet, have grown thin for 5 kg.

Saccharum and cholesterin has decreased to norms or rates

You think, what after these antibiotics could remain heliko bakter?

Can hand over to me the analysis on it or him?

To mine PTSR do or make only of a gastric juice or I am mistaken, and

Antibodies at me to it or him;them are .mozhet to hand over IFA once again?

I shall try to drink iron on toshchak. And in what it is necessary to accept askorbinku? In a powder I cannot precisely measure a dose.

I accept maltofer on 10 ml 1 in day

Yours faithfully Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
If you not prinrmaete more than 2 months, it is reasonable to not recollect a thyroxine the diagnosis *quot; O?O?n?O*quot; and to be limited to definition TTG yearly.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Elena!

As a whole, azitromitsin (sumamed) is worse klaritromitsina by way of eradikatsii helikobaktera, and absence prazola reduces efficiency AB of therapy. Therefore there are only 40-50 % probability, that (if) available you heliko-have been removed.

I can not tell or say for specificity you of the specified methods in acknowledgement or confirmation of a becoming infected, but on idea to you should recommend standard tactics for diagnostics.

Askorbinka happens in tab. or capsules and any will approach or suit, the main thing - to keep a dose; really pure or clean powder hardly to dose out, yes it and is not necessary.

If *quot; 1 ml a syrup contains 10 mg ?N?N?a*quot;, a dose sufficient.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Vadim Valerevich!

Many thanks for consultation!

I shall write to you if that.

Yours faithfully Elena

PS Only I have not understood, that to me to do or make with a calcium (1,1)

I drink kaltsium on 2 tad 1 r in day.

Whether it is enough of it or this?

Parathormone in norm or rate

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna!

Many thanks!

I shall adhere to your advice or councils.

Yours faithfully Elena.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Elena!

Yes, the specified calcium (in mm/l?) nizkovat as for the general or common and ionized, and what Natrii phosphases? A dose of an accepted calcium in mg? Americans believe, that low a calcium and Natrii phosphases at normal or povysh. A parathyroid hormone most possibly because of the latent deficiency of vitamin D, especially if it is not stoped by reception of adequate doses of a calcium.

... hospitalized patients with ionized hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia, with or without an elevated parathyroid hormone level, are most likely deficient in vitamin D. Initiating treatment during hospitalization is reasonable once the diagnosis has been confirmed by finding a low 25-hydroxyvitamin D level. Treatment with high doses of vitamin D is safe.

Am Fam Physician. 2005 Jan 15; 71 (2):299-304.

Undiagnosed vitamin D deficiency in the hospitalized patient.

Lyman D.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Vadim Valerevich!

In the near future I shall hand over the analysis on





25 (HE) D

Calcium I accept; 500*2

Into these tablets enters kolikaltsiferol 200*2 (3)

Yours faithfully Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
To research of a calcitonin I something do not see indications...