Просмотр полной версии : Disadvantage of the second phase

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravtvujte, dear doctors, me of 28 years, tell or say please, for what time before planning pregnancy and than recommend treatment at a disadvantage of the second phase, a cycle of 28 days, since 15 days the temperature starts to rise slowly with 36,2 and by 22 day of a cycle reaches or achieves 37, 4 obshch 40,7 - (Norm or Rate 64-146), 17- 1,2 - (0,07-1,09), a hydrocortisone 885,0 - norm or rate (150-770), ostalye I do not write all of them in norm or rate.

And more one question, because of bleedings in the middle of a cycle to me did or made a biopsy endometrija which nothing has revealed what can be consequences of this operational intervention.