Просмотр полной версии : Prompt

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon. Consultation is necessary.

To me of 25 years, body height 158, weight of 48 kg. A menses since 13 years, duration 3-4 days. A cycle not stable, about 34 days. Beremennostej was not. 4 years suffer chronic cystitises. Urologists appoint or nominate antibiotics without a tank. Crop and all.

In 2003 has got in hospital with an acute pain from the left party or side, by position - a kidney, but urologists, gynecologists, nevropotologo - surveyed all in norm or rate.

Voktjabre 2004 there was a delay - 72 days. Has handed over analyses in a direction of the gynecologist:

3 d.ts.

Prolactinum - 14,16 (2-27,70)

Progesteronum - 10,58 (0-6,0)

testesteron 4,74 (0-4,3)

FSH-8.25 (1.8-11.3)

Since January 2005 I prepare to pregnancy - I pass or I take place inspection under own initiative.

As I have found out - zhitovidka-in norm or rate.


On 3 d.ts. (handed over 23.08.05)

-3,2 (.1,1-8,7)

FSG - 4,3 (n. 1,8-11,3)

Prolactinum - 469 (n 67-726)

Hydrocortisone-561 (150-660)

estrog. - 180 (100-600)

On 22 d. ts. (handed over 15,08.05)

Prolactinum - 284 (67-726)

Progesteronum - 72,3 (10-89)

US from 26.01.05 for 13 day of a cycle

shejka uteruses: endotserviks 4, a sign *quot; cOa?a*quot; negative. The uterus is not increased 49-23-50 a myometrium of homogeneous density. Endometry 6 average ehogennosti on 13 d.ts. Corresponds or meets to weakly expressed phase poliferatsii. A basal layer endometrija not vizializiruetsja.

The right ovary of average density of 31-17 mm, prevails a stroma of an ovary, folikuly numerous in diameter 5-6-7 mm in central and perefiricheskih departments.

Left - 33-21 mm of average density, folikuly in the moderate quantity or amount in diameter of 3-4-5 mm on pereferii an ovary.

Dominant or Prepotent folikula it is not revealed from both parties or sides.

Uterine pipes not vializirujutsja.

The conclusion: phases poliferatsii.

Whether it would be desirable to know normal at me a hormonal background and it is not connected-whether with disturbance of a hormonal background of a pain in left to a side.


01.09.2004, 19:30
That you have handed over that - in norm or rate, you see it. Progesteronum high, an ovulation occurs or happens.

Just shchitovidki you have not handed over hormones, therefore to declare, that she in norm or rate, - cannot. It is necessary dosdat TTG, free 4 and antibodies to thyroid peroksidaze. And also man's hormones of adrenals - nuYa-WITH and 17- are not handed over. Here then there will be a high-grade hormonal inspection by preparation for pregnancy.

Only pains are not connected with hormones:) it is necessary to look arms or hand on an armchair of what exactly hurts.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At inspection shchitovidki:

4 - 116 (53-158)

3 - 2,8 (1,0-2,8)

TTG - 2,4 (0,23-3,4)

AND/O-11 (0-65)

On survey, me have told or said, chtomatka it is displaced in left, most likely this consequence of inflammatory process at cystitises.

And me doctors interpret about giperprolaktimiju, that is why and I worry.

Thanks for the answer.

Anna Hlud
01.09.2004, 19:30
Mind or Wit not prilozhu-as people up to 1972 while Frantts and Klejnberg have developed a method opredlenija Prolactinum became pregnant?

I prinmaju idea to define or determine Prolactinum at besplodii-but what for it or him to look (no less than all rest, except for TTG), planning pregnancy? Instead of result or bring the Lord, laboratornyaja oshibka-so? And if at the doctor glasses or spots have misted over, or he has not seen norm or rate, or thought, what they others - now to not become pregnant? And how Natasha Rostova became pregnant?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And me doctors interpret about giperprolaktimiju, that is why and I worry.

You see Prolactinum and its or his norms or rates - all the same worry?:)

Irina Anatolev
01.09.2004, 19:30
All these analyses handed over in a direction of the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Only zhitovidka - my amateur performance as I consider or count that will not prevent to check up it or her up to pregnancy.

Many thanks to all for the close or attentive attitude or relation!:p you very much help or assist the consultations!!!!