Просмотр полной версии : It is a lot of questions, it is not enough answers

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prostite za translit. Zdravstvuyte! Kratko o sebe: 26 let, 9 let nazad abort, cherez 6 let 2 vykidysha (1yi-4 nedeli, 2oi-7.5) i abort, posle aborta ukol depo-provira, posle 2 goda bespreryvnogo krovotecheniya (mnogochislennye konsul'tacii u ginekologov i endo-ginekologov kotorye govorili chto ya absol'utno zdorova). potom popala k doktoru kotoraya stavit diagnozy odin za drugim: endometrit, nevyzrevanie yaitsekletki, spayki v odnoy trube i zhidkost ' v drugoy, nepravil'noe gormonal'noe soderzhanie... Mne chto veshat'sya (preuvelichenie konechno)? Ili iskat ' drugogo doktora? Krovotechenie ona ostanovila plastyrem Ortho-Evra, no skazala chto bez nego u menya ne budet normal'nogo tsikla, a on *quot; kak nazlo vragam*quot; 3iy mesyats kak chasiki kazhdye 37 dney menstruatsiya (do vseh problem byl 31 den '). Chto mne delat '??? Americanskie vrachi mne malo pomogli, russkaya pomogla, no teper ' sdaetsya i govorit chto mne nado v kliniku po besplodi'u

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. Before going to clinic on sterility or barrenness it is necessary, that it was valid (1 year regular sexual zhezni without preservation from pregnancy).

2. Under your description it is complex or difficult to tell or say about an expression of problems. Put the same Evru 3 cycles (9 adhesive tapes with a break of 7 days after everyone three), be surveyed on possible or probable infections and after that try to become pregnant. *quot; the Liquid in OOOiN*quot; was on one US or it is found out some times and write as it is written in the conclusion, it is possible on English

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. Before going to clinic on sterility or barrenness it is necessary, that it was valid (1 year regular sexual zhezni without preservation from pregnancy).

2. Under your description it is complex or difficult to tell or say about an expression of problems. Put the same Evru 3 cycles (9 adhesive tapes with a break of 7 days after everyone three), be surveyed on possible or probable infections and after that try to become pregnant. *quot; the Liquid in OOOiN*quot; was on one US or it is found out some times and write as it is written in the conclusion, it is possible on English

Doktor Medvedev... Mne resul'tatov na ruki ne da'ut:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
2. Evru 3 cycles (9 adhesive tapes with a break of 7 days after everyone three), be surveyed on possible or probable infections and after that try to become pregnant. *quot; the Liquid in OOOiN*quot; was on one US or it is found out some times and write as it is written in the conclusion, it is possible on English

O esche. Evra byla 6 menyatsev, vse infectsii vylichili, cherez 4 mesyatsa povtornyi osmotr na papilomo-virus (srezala ochagi, no ne propisala nichego dlya podderzhki umuniteta). Zhidkost ' v trube odin raz, posle chego ya duma'u proizoshel proryv (doktor skazala chto eto my proverim cherez 6 mesyatsev), tak kak byli strannye bez tsveta i zapaha vodyanistye vydeleniya, bol'she vsego pohozhie na limfu

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vobshchem try to become pregnant all over again. At you really risk of the sterility or barrenness, the raised or increased risk of tubal pregnancy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vopros 2: Proschat'sya li s doktorom kotoraya vse valit na kliniku po besplodi'u. I ya perestala sebya oshuschat ' uverenno obsuzhdaya s ney voprosy (ona ne zahotela otvetechat ' na moi voprosy, naprimer vopros ob izmenenii urovnya gormonov do i posle Evry)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dobrogo vremeni sutok! Spasibo i do svidaniya

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Doctors, has beaten out the analyses and there and then I publish, suddenly at you is what to advise.

ultrasound report

measures in mm

uterus 75X56.9X37.4 endometrium 7.92

rt.ovary 44.5X32.6X25.1 follicles 20/8mm

lt.ovary 45.0X24.7X25.8 follicles 20/8mm

right hydrosalpinx is needed

tissue pathology

source: cervix

description: 3 tiny pieces ranging in size of 0.2X0.2X0.1cm, irregular in shape and yellow-white color

diagnosis: fragments of squamous mucosa with koilocytotic atypia suggestive of HPV

Blood test

fsh miu/ml total 5.1 norm follicular phase 2.5-10.2

midcycle pick 3.1-17.7

luteal phase 1.5-9.1

postmenopausal 23.0-116.3

lh miu/ml total 5.4 norm follicular phase 1.9-12.5

midcycle pick 8.7-76.3

luteal phase 0.5-16.9

postmenopausal 5.0-52.3

chorionic goradotropin total *lt; 2 norm *lt; 5


postoperative diagnosis: history of pid with right hydrosalpinx, and blocked right fallopian tube, patent left fallopian tube

findings: good spillage from left fallopian tube and spillage from the rigth fallopian tube. No gross intrauterine anomalies.

Forgive or Excuse for English, it for me a double-dutch

In advance thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
And you tried to become pregnant?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The doctor if to happen, thanks God. At present I simply try to understand what for to me in clinic to sterility or barrenness? I am fruitless? But it cannot be defined or determined on US, it is defined or determined year or more unsuccessful attempts. Whether it is necessary to me in general to something to do or make? Or to relax and take pleasure (though painful sensations have remained).