Просмотр полной версии : Results of hormonal research

01.09.2004, 19:30

Please, comment on results of hormonal research. To me of 28 years. The blood is handed over for the sixth day of a cycle. [the menses has begun in 12 one o'clock in the morning between September, 28th and 29, and I have handed over a blood on October, 4th hours per 11 mornings.] the analysis was spent in institute by it or him. Gabrichevskogo.

TTG 1,4 (norm or rate 0,3-3,0 ??N/ml)

Testosteron-Depotum 2,6 (0,4-3,9 ???y/l)

Prolactinum 262 (40-470 ??N/l)

LG 11 (1-20 ??N/ml)

FSG 11 (4-10 ?N/L)

I am am excited with parity or ratio LG and FSG. Whether it is normal?

During delivery of hormones I drank a course of Ampicillinum (on 500 mg 4 times day). Hours for five bloods up to a capture I also have accepted tablets of Ampicillinum, having washed down with water. Except for that (if it has any value or meaning;importance), a saw *quot; multitabs B-??N?*quot; and *quot; Luteinum ??N?*quot;.



?*amp; etlanka
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear managers!!!

You could not add, please, an option of excision of own reports. I would remove - all peerly on them is not present the answer.

Thanks for attention.


Anjutiny Ajz
01.09.2004, 19:30
TTG 1,4 (norm or rate 0,3-3,0 ??N/ml)

Testosteron-Depotum 2,6 (0,4-3,9 ???y/l)

Prolactinum 262 (40-470 ??N/l)

LG 11 (1-20 ??N/ml)

FSG 11 (4-10 ?N/L)

I am am excited with parity or ratio LG and FSG. Whether it is normal?

During delivery of hormones I drank a course of Ampicillinum (on 500 mg 4 times day). Hours for five bloods up to a capture I also have accepted tablets of Ampicillinum, having washed down with water. Except for that (if it has any value or meaning;importance), a saw *quot; multitabs B-??N?*quot; and *quot; Luteinum ??N?*quot;.

Elena, is meaningful peresdat LG and FSG on 5-7 day of a following cycle under condition of absence of any medicinal therapy.

With what purpose inspection was spent? What you disturbs?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Olga Jurevna, for the answer.

I peresdala LG and FSG, but still do not know result. Inspection has been appointed or nominated after an abortion (February 2005, 12 weeks, but think, has died earlier; accepted djufaston without preliminary hormonal inspection) and with the purpose of preparation for following pregnancy. A menstrual cycle regular... The Only thing, probably, that could suggest about disagreement with hormones, this raised or increased pilosis of legs or foots (but Testosteron-Depotum in norm or rate) and, perhaps (?), pulling not strong pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly as which I felt during pregnancy. In the first day of a menses the stomach or belly too hurts.

Still time of thanks


01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena, the happened abortion - at all the certificate of that with you *quot; something not Oa*quot;. At absolutely healthy women of pregnancy periodically come to an end with abortions.

So, let's wait results LG and FSG.

Signs which you describe - a variant of norm or rate and do not specify on *quot; disagreement with uO??a??*quot;.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, Olga Jurevna!

I, at last, have received results of the repeated analysis on LG and FSG. Handed over in the same place for the sixth day of a cycle (on November, 2nd):

LG 7,3 (norm or rate 1-20)

FSG 9 (4-10)

In the same cycle when I handed over hormones for the first time, I also have handed over the analysis on 17-OH Progesteronum for 22 day of a cycle (on October, 20th). Handed over in the Center of an immunology and a reproduction. The level of this hormone has appeared above norm or rate: 3,6 (norm or rate 0,6-2,3 ng/ml). I plan peresdat a hormone in other place through 1-2 cycles... The Question: norms or rates of a hormone have been given in one variant, whether they that depend on a phase of a menstrual cycle?

How you consider or count, whether there is enough definition of value or meaning;importance of one Testosteron-Depotum for an estimation of a level of androgens?



01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear patient! To Vashemiu to the report it is possible to add sledujushchee-17 (unlike Progesteronum) look ONLY at 4-5 day m.ts., Testosteron-Depotum in general at absence of attributes of virilescence or virilization and \ or a hirsutism (superfluous body height of hair in goromnalno - the dependent zones, the increased clitoris and so forth) to look it is not necessary, habitual nevynashivaniem consider or count a situation when three successively pregnancy come to an end with an abortion, your thyroid gland works normally.. M.b., you will try to believe, that the collection of unnecessary analyses does not do or make the person more happily....

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dear patient! To Vashemiu to the report it is possible to add sledujushchee-17 (unlike Progesteronum) look ONLY at 4-5 day m.ts., Testosteron-Depotum in general at absence of attributes of virilescence or virilization and \ or a hirsutism (superfluous body height of hair in goromnalno - the dependent zones, the increased clitoris and so forth) to look it is not necessary, habitual nevynashivaniem consider or count a situation when three successively pregnancy come to an end with an abortion, your thyroid gland works normally.. M.b., you will try to believe, that the collection of unnecessary analyses does not do or make the person more happily....

Thanks for attention, but... To look 17-OH Progesteronum at 4, 5, 6 or 21, 22, 23 day of a cycle it has been appointed or nominated by the doctor - not itself has thought up. Testosteron-Depotum - too; superfluous body height of hair - is. Except for that is an euthyroid nodal struma... Superfluous analyses (whether unnecessary?), certainly, not always make happy, but can secure.

Much has been appointed or nominated for the sake of preparation for pregnancy. It is the truth, I uvjazla in analyses. But on the other hand, it would be desirable to be prepared is better: *quot; put is better to lose - for five minutes n?NONOy*quot;... Especially the purpose not trifling.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena, between delivery of numerous analyses and planning of pregnancy it is impossible to put an equal-sign.

During preparation for pregnancy for the healthy woman (on the given data there are no bases to consider or count you unhealthy) the regimen of a normal delivery, a dream and rest, walks on fresh air is important; refusal of smoking and alcohol is important; it is important to avoid contacts to infections. And infinite inspections of health will not add.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena, between delivery of numerous analyses and planning of pregnancy it is impossible to put an equal-sign.

During preparation for pregnancy for the healthy woman (on the given data there are no bases to consider or count you unhealthy) the regimen of a normal delivery, a dream and rest, walks on fresh air is important; refusal of smoking and alcohol is important; it is important to avoid contacts to infections. And infinite inspections of health will not add.

Olga Jurevna, I agrees with you. Itself I wish to finish somewhat quicker with inspections. But there is all concrete problems (not hormonal) which it is necessary to correct a little even...

01.09.2004, 19:30
The is more imperfect than knowledge of separate doctors, the more than unnecessary researches.

Let's pass to nodal eutiroidnomu zobu-diameter of the site? Whether It is palpated (whether the site is probed or palpated)?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The is more imperfect than knowledge of separate doctors, the more than unnecessary researches.

Let's pass to nodal eutiroidnomu zobu-diameter of the site? Whether It is palpated (whether the site is probed or palpated)?

Thanks, Galina Afanasevna, for attention. At me some sites (*quot were revealed; focal zobnye changes of both shares thyroid ?N?N?U*quot;), the largest - 0,7 see I do not know, it is probed or palpated or not, but the doctor puts an euthyroid nodal struma of II degree. Its or his puncture (without the control of US), the conclusion has been made: *quot; On a background of homogeneous masses of a colloid with an impurity of elements of a blood of a cell of the thyroid epithelium, located, basically, it is isolated, lymphoid elements. The cytogram greater corresponds or meets colloid ?iO*quot;. The endocrinologist has appointed or nominated TyrHelp (1 capsule h 3 times a day; I have decided to drink 2 times, t. To. I drink a vitamin complex) and Cat's Claw Root (the same dosage, still has not started to drink). After six months - repeated US and definition of hormones (were within the limits of norm or rate TTG, 3 and 4)... We Try or Taste *quot; rassosat O??U*quot;. I understand, that appointed or nominated BADy are not very necessary (?)... I drink more that with pure or clean conscience then to the doctor to come in half a year. The day time dose of an iodine now makes at me of 150 mkg in a vitamin complex plus 12,5 h 2 mkg of an iodine from laminarii (Tyrohelp).

To tell the truth, about a thyroid gland I not so am anxious... As anything dangerous it was revealed not...


01.09.2004, 19:30
The situation still interesnee-at you is not present a nodal struma... Neither tirohelp, nor laminarija, vitamins C an iodine are not included into the proved schemes or plans of conducting the healthy faces living in iododefitsitnom region, having focal izmenenipja in iron or gland. The CART, bednjazhka, never allowed the assignment or order of all this to trace. Did not allow the order to put d-? a struma in such cases, she plaintively asked - in regions iodnogo deficiency to use at cooking instead of usual iodirovanuju salt.

But in fact ours vracha-the visionary you will not stop.. He dumajushchij-not any there German, with schemes or plans...

With ian eak to go to the doctor with pure or clean conscience... This or Thus already new in a lexicon of our country. Here is how it is possible to appoint or nominate BADy with pure or clean conscience - here it is a question.... However, we shall hope, that an iodine there vse-taki malo-malski considered quantity or amount (though by definition it in BADah to do or make it is not necessary)...

01.09.2004, 19:30
:) Here therefore we also should supervise purposes or appointments of doctors and to be started up in the Internet-searches...

Ljalja 2005
01.09.2004, 19:30
Here the most interesting in our country - and why doctor to not glance in the Internet? In fact the consensus on sites hangs in sew tironete, and from the different countries consensuses..

And that, if a solution what an agent of the doctor not pozovljajut him to leave in the Internet, and congestion on job for a long time has made it or him Ionychem?

If he cannot and is not able to receive the information which is distinct from those, which to him vparivajut BADovtrjuhivaeteli?

Each society has such medicine which has it or him... Or such which deserves.

And normal medicine. Not untwisting on unnecessary researches and treatments, and at the same time solving problems and nahodjashchajai under the rigid control of the normal insurance companies and associations of doctors over much more important care of a normal society, than muffled constructions of unnecessary palaces, monorail idiocies, rushashihsja aquaparks and the equipment or installation of bandy-legged monuments...