Просмотр полной версии : Hypothyrosis, pregnancy, analyses

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01.09.2004, 19:30

I planned to hand over analyses before pregnancy, but and not in time, here 4 days of a delay and the test shows - I am pregnant, to that I am very glad!

In this connection at me 2 questions:

1. Today has gone to hand over a blood on a herpes, a cytomegalovirus. brutsellez, a toxoplasmosis, at me have asked, whether the analysis on the chronic form of viruses or on acute is necessary to me. I did not know what to respond, as a result have decided while to hand over on chronic, and then and on acute.

Tell or Say, whether correctly I have acted or arrived, and in what a difference, whether it is necessary for me to hand over then and on the acute form also?


2. At me a postoperative hypothyrosis which I compensate reception of a thyroxine. I also today have handed over analysis TTG, the answer will be ready tomorrow.

Prompt please, whether my hypothyrosis can to affect or influence health of my future child somehow? Also what to me to make as much as possible to secure it or him?:confused:

Thanks. [/COLOR]

Dr. Zhivov
01.09.2004, 19:30
1. Today has gone to hand over a blood on a herpes, a cytomegalovirus. brutsellez, a toxoplasmosis, at me have asked, whether the analysis on the chronic form of viruses or on acute is necessary to me. I did not know what to respond, as a result have decided while to hand over on chronic, and then and on acute.

Tell or Say, whether correctly I have acted or arrived, and in what a difference, whether it is necessary for me to hand over then and on the acute form also?

The volume of analyses on an infection is defined or determined by the doctor, being guided by the anamnesis, clinic, epidsituatsiej.

2. At me a postoperative hypothyrosis which I compensate reception of a thyroxine. I also today have handed over analysis TTG, the answer will be ready tomorrow.

Prompt please, whether my hypothyrosis can to affect or influence health of my future child somehow? Also what to me to make as much as possible to secure it or him?

If gipotiroz it is compensated (level TTG 0,2 - 2,5 ??N/ml) he will not affect or influence in any way the future child. If it is not compensated, it is necessary immediately to these or it;this to be engaged. As a rule, during pregnancy a usual replaceable dose of a L-thyroxine increase or enlarge by 25 mkg.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks huge for the answer.

Also today I have learned or have found out, that mine the colleague which with me in one room works, segdnja was ill korju and have not come to work, and before it or this she 2 days went with temperature. I in the childhood korju did not hurt or be ill;be sick. I know, that I should be afraid of such diseases now. What it is possible to make?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Also today I have learned or have found out, that mine the colleague which with me in one room works, segdnja was ill korju and have not come to work, and before it or this she 2 days went with temperature. I in the childhood korju did not hurt or be ill;be sick. I know, that I should be afraid of such diseases now. What it is possible to make?

Question serious. Learn or find out from parents, whether you are imparted or vaccinated from reproach. A question on safety of preventive application protivokorevogo an immunoglobulin discuss with your gynecologist.

Do not touch or Tamper with subjects which touched ill the colleague. An incubation interval or a delitescence reproach - up to 21 days. It is necessary to hope, that you will not be ill.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have learned or have found out from mum - an inoculation from 3 children's infectious diseases (a scarlatina, kor and more any) have made to me at children's age, the truth it to me has not prevented to be ill with a scarlatina in 7 years. Now to me 29, I correctly understand, what in any case this inoculation has already passed or has already taken place the validity?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say, it is the truth, what rashes at reproach appear later week after the person was ill and already was the carrier or bearer of an infection, that is I in current of week already could pick up this infection at the colleague while that came to work (rashes at it or her have appeared only today)?

Gribova Katya
01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say, it is the truth, what rashes at reproach appear later week after the person was ill and already was the carrier or bearer of an infection, that is I in current of week already could pick up this infection at the colleague while that came to work (rashes at it or her have appeared only today)?

Yes, rashes, appear for 3-6 day after the beginning of the catarral period. The transmission of infection occurs or happens air-dropwise by from the sick person during till 4-th day after occurrence of an eruption.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Olga Jurevna for the information. I shall be very much eadejatsja, that I have not caught.

Today was at the gynecologist, protivokorevoj an immunoglobulin to me to do or make dangerously. It is necessary to hope and believe, that all will be good!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Olga Jurevna for the information. I shall be very much eadejatsja, that I have not caught.

Today was at the gynecologist, protivokorevoj an immunoglobulin to me to do or make dangerously. It is necessary to hope and believe, that all will be good!!!

Health to you. And success!

01.09.2004, 19:30

As I probably already informed, shchitovidku at me have removed one and a half year ago, since then I on a thyroxine, all over again a dose all time increased or enlarged, as TTG the first months after operation were very high, but as soon as TTG was normalized (autumn of the last year), I have stopped on a dosage of a L-thyroxine of 175 mkg day. Thus felt normally.

Now at me pregnancy of 2 weeks, has gone already the third, was at the doctor, has handed over analyses on hormones of a thyroid gland. It has appeared, TTG very low - 0,12 (norm or rate from 0,4 up to 6), 4, naturally, thus above norm or rate - a parameter 12, and norm or rate up to 10.

Has entered the name on reception to the endocrinologist, in the meantime, yet was not at the endocrinologist, a place I can not find to myself, I experience, as it will be reflected on health of a fetus. Very much I ask prompt. How much or as far as it is harmful. I, probably, should reduce a dose of a thyroxine, however for that time, what she was above norm or rate, whether the irreparable injury or damage could be caused to a fetus?

In due time, 3 years ago, when I had the Diffusive or Diffuse toxic Struma accompanied by a thyrotoxicosis (in occasion of DTZ to me in the further and have removed shchitovidku), I was spoken, that in this status, for example, in no event it is impossible to become pregnant, will be necessary to do or make abortion.

Whether my present situation with is raised or increased 4 similar to a status of a thyrotoxicosis at DTZ? Whether will tell or say to me to do or make abortion?

I ask prompt.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
TTG it is a little bit suppressed, the dose of a L-thyroxine should be lowered up to 150 mkg;

On a background of reception of a L-thyroxine to define or determine 4 it is not necessary; we are guided on TTG. In 2 months to repeat.

How much you now weigh?

01.09.2004, 19:30
TTG it is a little bit suppressed, the dose of a L-thyroxine should be lowered up to 150 mkg;

On a background of reception of a L-thyroxine to define or determine 4 it is not necessary; we are guided on TTG. In 2 months to repeat.

How much you now weigh?

Now my weight of 82 kg, one and a half year naza after excision shitovidki, weight was also 82-83 kg, however was not normalized yet TTG (on it cunningly half a year), I recovered also my weight have reached up to already up to 92-93 kg. Then I have got on a a diet, and for the last half a year, by means of a diet, at normalized by then TTG, have grown thin again up to 82 kg. And 3 months am was insolent or keep.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, the dose of 150 mkg for you should be normal.

But, as during pregnancy the need or requirement in tiroidnyh hormones increases, probably it is required to return to 175 mkg.

Alexey Ku
01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, the dose of 150 mkg for you should be normal.

But, as during pregnancy the need or requirement in tiroidnyh hormones increases, probably it is required to return to 175 mkg.

Thanks, Olga Jurevna, for your attention and the answer. As it is good, that there is such forum!

Nevertheless it is interesting, what processes occur or happen during a thyrotoxicosis and how it influences a fetation on early term (2-3 weeks?)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Look or See section *quot; pregnancy and thyroid ?N?N?a*quot; on our site for .http: // thyronet./

Ekaterina Anatolevn
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello once again!

Was on reception at the endocrinologist, he has told or said, that most likely at me an overdosage a thyroxine (probably 175 mkg for me were much, TTG was below norm or rate), and has appointed or nominated to me to lower a dosage of a thyroxine already up to 100 mkg/in day supposedly in couple of weeks I shall hand over once again analysis TTG, and is possible or probable to a thyroxine will be added iodit a potassium.

I, to tell the truth. Was afraid to lower a dosage at once and so strongly, I week have had a drink 150 mkg, since yesterday has passed to 125 mkg.

Tell or Say please, than such jumps in a dosage of a thyroxine for a fetus (4 weeks of pregnancy) are fraught? And also what from itself represents iodit a potassium, and whether he corresponds or meets to a thyroxine in the action? What for he is necessary (a thyroid gland at me is removed completely)

It would be grateful for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Was on reception at the endocrinologist, he has told or said, that most likely at me an overdosage a thyroxine (probably 175 mkg for me were much, TTG was below norm or rate), and has appointed or nominated to me to lower a dosage of a thyroxine already up to 100 mkg/in day supposedly in couple of weeks I shall hand over once again analysis TTG, and is possible or probable to a thyroxine will be added iodit a potassium.

I, to tell the truth. Was afraid to lower a dosage at once and so strongly, I week have had a drink 150 mkg, since yesterday has passed to 125 mkg.

Tell or Say please, than such jumps in a dosage of a thyroxine for a fetus (4 weeks of pregnancy) are fraught? And also what from itself represents iodit a potassium, and whether he corresponds or meets to a thyroxine in the action? What for he is necessary (a thyroid gland at me is removed completely)

The doctor has correctly regarded your situation; a dose decline of a L-thyroxine obosnovanno.

Whether it was necessary to reduce about 100 mkg/?OO? - you should discuss it with your endocrinologist instead of independently changing its or his purposes or appointments.;)

To investigate or research TTG in 2 weeks early - a trustworthy information we shall not receive.

Any *quot; ?a?o*quot; in a dosage of a thyroxine at you is not present - you receive treatment by a thyroxine. Doses a little bit vary, but the thyroxine - a hormone slow - he not at once has the an effect, but only after the certain transformations into an organism.

Iodidum of a potassium (preparation Jodomarin) does not replace a thyroxine. He is appointed or nominated to all pregnant women, living in conditions jododefitsita.

You do not have thyroid gland and Iodidums are not necessary to you. But for correct development of a thyroid gland of a fetus it is actual.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At the healthy pregnant woman on 8-12 week a level over 4 on the TOP border of norm or rate or hardly above (it is a parameter it is possible to look time in two weeks, reception of a thyroxine AFTER a fence of a blood), level TTG on the BOTTOM border (or hardly below) - this parameter look with an interval in 2 months SHCHtovidnaja of iron of a fetus starts to accumulate an iodine after 16 weeks..

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello once again!

Know, I periodically read everyones medical sites, and at me the trouble all the same accrues or increases.

TTG it was not normalized yet, I drink already 100 mkg day, in couple of weeks again I shall hand over the analysis. I hope then it is already normalized. By then I already will have 9 weeks of pregnancy (term I consider or count from the moment of conception).

I am am disturbed still with a question - that at this time while I had an overdosage a thyroxine could occur or happen to my future kid?

I read different any information at forums, frightens the statement, that at a thyrotoxicosis vozhmozhno a birth of the dead child. When I have read through it, I was captured with panic horror.

You can or doctor Melnichenko to give or allow the simple accessible answer, for this time, while at me an overdosage a thyroxine how it was reflected in the kid? Than it threatens?

Thanks in advance.

The house painter
01.09.2004, 19:30
Most likely nothing grozit-you somehow manage to read texts incorrectly.. You should prohonour, that at many pregnant women in NORM or RATE TTG is lowered, that gestatsionnyj transient tirotoksikoz as a rule is not dangerous, etc.

! Light!
01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon, Galina Afanasevna!

Thanks huge for your patience and attention. I am very grateful to you and your colleagues for your answers!

One week ago I have handed over TTG, at last TTG have come to norm or rate, I drink while 100 mkg, called to the doctor, he has told or said, that I while did not change a dosage. I feel, that 100 - I dosage, (in fact I accepted before 175, the truth for me it has appeared much), intuitively I feel, that in fast vnemeni I should raise or increase a dosage of a thyroxine again. Independently to do or make it or this I do not want, therefore I consult on the doctor. To the doctor I have told about last analyses and the doubts about a dosage, he has told or said, tchoby I while did not change a dosage, but he to me has resolved in 2-3 weeks peresdat TTG if he by then suddenly will exceed norm or rate then the dosage should be increased or enlarged.

I am am excited with the following: while TTG in norm or rate, it means, what at the moment for me (and the future kid) it is enough thyroxine? That is, whether is TTG fast enough parameter of a correct dosage of a thyroxine?

If in the near future TTG will start to raise or increase (and I am practically assured, what he on- will start to grow), but will while remain within the limits of norm or rate, I can not worry about what? Or I in this case should raise or increase a dosage even on 25 mkg to warn output or exit TTG from norm or rate?

Know, at me with offensive or approach of pregnancy the feeling of the responsibility before buduim the kid has very strongly raised or increased and I wish to use the best efforts, that any of mine preblemy with health have not affected or influenced at all the kid. Therefore I am possible or probable a little suechus, being concerned by the problems, but it is difficult to me to supervise it, in fact all my essence now navpravleno on exercise of the purpose in my life - my future kid.

I shall be very grateful for your answer. At me now 12-th week of pregnancy (if to consider or count from the moment of last menses).

Still such question me also interests. During my pregnancy I already 2 times did or made US - first time on term of 2 weeks for definition of pregnancy, in second time last week, the doctor have told or said, what is it is not harmful, and that it is important to her to be convinced, that all goes well. Tell or say, it really is not harmful? On what terms to do or make US it is not recommended? Than it is fraught?

And more small voprosik - whether I can drink valerian drops? At me the emotional background is raised or increased, and frequently to me with it or him to consult difficultly. Whether harmfully to drink nastoj valerian drops at pregnancy?

Thanks in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
To hand over TTG more often, than time in 2 months of the big sense is not present - he not quickly reacts to change of concentration tiroidnyh hormones. By the way, what result TTG was at last research and when this research was spent? It is possible to look or see level 4 free (this parameter varies more quickly, the analysis it is possible to do or make time in 2 weeks).

In view of your weight, pregnancy and necessity of full replaceable therapy, the dose of a L-thyroxine of 100 mkg/?OO, in my opinion, is small. Most likely, 150 mkg are required. But you should solve this question with your endocrinologist (can show him our correspondence).

As to US, it is necessary to do or make it or him not more often, than the gynecologist observing you appoints or nominates.

Rather valerjanki. There Are no researches which authentically would show, that she is absolutely safe at pregnancy. For the sake of justice it is necessary to tell or say, that there are no data about its or her harm.

The good music, interesting books is much more useful to a positive emotional background long walks on fresh air for an arm or a hand with the husband.

Concern to pregnancy as to normal process and the joyful period of your life. Have a rest, enjoy the status. When there will be a kid, many forces for performance of maternal duties are required to you.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Has handed over recently the analysis - an egestion of an iodine in urine, my result = 10. Unfortunately, has not understood a unit of measure. Can explain, what this parameter means?

The explanatory - urine handed over morning emergency, on an empty stomach. 19-th week of pregnancy.

Thanks in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Definition of an egestion of an iodine with urine is not meaningful as the individual analysis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Definition of an egestion of an iodine with urine is not meaningful as the individual analysis.

Good afternoon. Galina Afanasevna.

How much correctly I have understood the doctor, this analysis is necessary correctly to define or determine how much jodomarina to me it is necessary sejchvas to drink.