
Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand with dysfunction

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors! Good afternoon.

Your help is necessary.

History such - me of 28 years.

Monthly since 13 years, since 14-15 years - regular (28-32 days)

From 19-20 years the cycle gets off, And since then never were regular (35-50 days)

Sexual life since 19 years, with 2001 - regular.

In 2000 - treatment an inflammation of the right ovary. The cycle became shorter, has then got off again. Some time, months 5 accepted mersilon. After its or his cancelling (the extremity or end of February) the length of a cycle increases constantly or is constantly enlarged: 36, 41, 54, 61, 68 days.

Last cycle was reduced up to 34 dn.

Last monthly - on December, 14th.

And till this moment monthly is not present (44 day of a cycle). With the husband it is or are protected while. Beremennostej was not.

The spent inspections

03.09.05 Beginning of a cycle

09.09.2005 Has handed over hormones: TTG, 3 over, 4 over, at-Ou, at-O, LG, FSG, Prolactinum, Oestradiolum, 17- Progesteronum, Testosteron-Depotum, nuYa-WITH, the Hydrocortisone

The comment of the doctor: Estradiol-ovaries at all do not work, LG in 2 times above norm or rate, Testosteron-Depotum - is a little raised or increased. The rest - norm or rate. (unfortunately, I can not result or bring value or meanings;importance)

It is appointed or nominated: to Diana-35 + deksometazon 1 time/?OO, in the evening up to meal (1/4 tablets) - DID NOT ACCEPT

11.10 has again gone on reception (39 day of a cycle) - survey, the general or common smear, a colposcopy

Smear - leucocytes up to 100, pus. Have appointed or nominated Sumamed, JUnidoks, Trichopolum, vitamins, from 1 day of a new cycle. Recommended peresdat TTG, over 4, at-O, nuY-WITH, 17 OP.

14.10 (on 42 d.ts) peresdala

TTG - 2,11 honey/l (0,4-4)

Sv 4 - 15,5 ??y/l (9-22)

at-O - 11 Nn/ml (*lt; 35)

auYa-WITH 8,2 ???y/l (1,8-10,3)

17- 2,31 ???y/l (0,303-2,42 - folik., 0,82-8,78 - Luteinum.)

The new cycle has begun only 10.11.2005 (and 08.11 handed over Progesteronum - it has appeared only 4 ???y/l)

With this cycle has begun treatment and measurement BT.

15.11. (6 DTS) has handed over hormones

FSG - 6,5 honey/ml (folik. 2,45-9,47)

LG - 16,89 honey/ml (folik. 1,84-26,97)

Prolactinum - 376,4 honey/l (40-530)

Oestradiolum - 156 ??y/l (folik. 68-1269)

* - 5,2 ???y/l (0,45-3,75)

Hydrocortisone - 328 ???y/l (138-635)

The following cycle has begun already 14.12, i.e. for the first time was reduced up to 34 dn.

And schedule BT was precisely biphase, an ovulation (under the schedule) on 21 DTS).

Compare temperature of the first phase 36,54, the second - 37, 07. Length of the second phase of 13 days.

Progesteronum - 72,3 ???y/l (on 27 laziness of a cycle). The control smear has shown absence of infections (handed over on 5 infections).

I have thought, that the cycle was normalized, but already 44 DTS, and monthly till now is not present.

21.01.06 went on US (39 day of a cycle). The transvaginal gauge.

Uterus in anteflexio, contours precise, the sizes 4735,543,1. Ehoplotnost a myometrium - usual, structure or frame - N, Median m-echo 8,6, dop. Educations - are not present

The right ovary is located typically, the size 37,820,116,3. Volume - 6,2. Contours precise, equal, contains carried-to fine follicles.

The left ovary 42,926,825,4. Volume-14,3. The form spherical, contours precise. Contains ehonegativnoe education with precise contours 16,311,9.

The conclusion a follicular cyst lev.jaichnika. Also the gynecologist the reason of a delay in this cyst has explained me, that.

In 2 days after US of fuse BT. Has then started to rise. Today 36,9. The breast became morbid. (usually it begins days for 12 up to mens.)

Therefore I had a question - it can not a cyst was, and a follicle?

And in what then the reason disfuntsii? Whether raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum Can to cause dysfunction? The matter is that we wish to cease to be protected month through two. But I am afraid, whether in fact my organism functions abnormally It is possible to plan pregnancy?
