Просмотр полной версии : Doctors do not know

01.09.2004, 19:30
undefined day!

I hope, someone can help or assist.

One and a half year ago I zaberemennela, but on 5-6 week doctors ascertained a degeneration of pregnancy. Week it was observed in hospital, have then made cleaning. When send or have come analyses, it has appeared, what is it there was a cancer of pregnancy (pier). Year it was observed in an oncology, no problems any more existing (up to this case there were neither abortions, nor no problems with gynecology). In January have written out completely healthy with wishes zaberemennet and to give birth to the healthy child.

And here - a problem.

25.07. Were monthly (send or have come exactly in time), 30.07 have ended (as usually, in 5 days). However, 4.08. Have begun small krovjanistye allocation. 06.08. Has gone to the doctor, she suspicious has not found anything. Sgodnja (09.08) since morning was on US. Results - nothing is clear and is not clear. From the right party or side in an abdominal cavity have found out a liquid - whether from an ovary, whether after an ovulation. However, do not exclude an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. The bleeding today already as during a menses, is accompanied by nagging pains in the field of a stomach or belly. The doctor has sent home, has told or said - when will end monthly - come. I feel absolutely normally, there are no sharp pains or giddinesses.

And here, at me a question: what is it can be, and whether it is right the doctor, not having sent me at once in hospital?

I shall be grateful for any help as to be uncertain forces already is not present.


01.09.2004, 19:30
To exclude or confirm presence of pregnancy it is necessary to hand over a blood on chorionic Gonadotropinum of the person.