Просмотр полной версии : Very much I want the child as soon as possible!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena - - ---Hello, we with the husband are not protected 5 months. Pregnancy does not come. After the second month has addressed to the doctor. US: the uterus 523255, str- myometriums is non-uniform, expansion of uterine veins, --0,7 the sm for 21 day of a cycle, ovaries in mobility are limited, right - 2,41,8 a capsule, str- is condensed, on periphery 6 fol. From 0,2 up to 0,5 sm, left 2,91,9, in the bottom pole a yellow body old, regressing, r. 0,50,4 see the Conclusion: attributes of a chronic adnexitis, an oophoritis. Analyses of a blood and smears on a hormonal cytology have given such picture: 6 day of a cycle: LG 5,7, FSG 7,3 Pl 673, Pd 0,11 smear KPI of 60 %, -3 13 day LG 12,3 FSG 6,2 -0,11, smear KPI of 55 %, -3 22 day of cycle LG 8,8 Pl 464, Programs 17,5, smear KPI of 35 %, -3-2 the Diagnosis: a hyperprolactemia, Parlodelum 0,5 t - 1 t is appointed or nominated. In day. Month has passed or has taken place, pregnancy has not come or stepped. Basal temperature I measure within 3 months: In first half of cycle from 36,4 up to 37,4 mainly 36,7, in the second 0 36,9 up to 37,6 posledn. A cycle at reception of Parlodelum - nevyshe 37,3 preim. 36,9 - 37,1. As for accustoming have given a small dose on half - in the second phase on-one a tablet in day, have increased now a dose up to 2 tab. on one morning and in the evening. The temperature in the first 4 days of a cycle grew from 36.6 up to 37.2, then has fallen up to 36.6, 36.4, 36.5. Today the eighth day, temperature 36.5. At the husband spermogramma excellent or different. Both of us were treated for a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis and a bacterial vaginosis in the autumn in the-winter 99-2000-is successful. Method PRTS in 1,5 months after the termination or ending of treatment has shown absence of infections. At me monthly from 12 years, all over again irregular, then from 29 till 33 days as soon as it has ceased to be protected always svemoteks or condoms - monthly 29 days of 1 times - 30 are exact and 28. Beremennostej never was. Abortions too. To me of 29 years, to the husband 31, at it or him the child from first marriage and he very much wants the child as mozhdno more likely. Very much experiences also it it began to be reflected in our attitudes or relations. When I speak, that it is necessary to wait, he agrees and speaks... About several months. I, nachitavshis histories at a forum, am not assured not so, that all problems are solved quickly. For me several years ago in Germany diagnosed not bursting ootids on ovaries a delay of a menses and pains in inguinal area at the left. Treated UFO. Like would pass or take place. Congenital erosion shejki uteruses is diagnosed. Did not treat, as there were no sorts or labors. It would be desirable to know your opinion in my case. What chances zabaremenet and as it is fast. That it is possible to make, check up, appoint or nominate still to increase probability and on-opportunity to accelerate process. For us it is very important, understand. It is ready on all. In advance I thank for the answer and references. Yours faithfully, Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Elena! Unfortunately, anybody from doctors-participants of a forum cannot give you concrete references concerning treatment. As if to diagnostics you can receive full enough information on algorithm of inspection of fruitless pair on str *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; Inspection before OeA*lt;/A*gt; and also to esteem the information in the electron version of the brochure *lt; A HREF = and quot; ttp: // www./infertility*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; Fruitless : and OoNOU*lt;/A*gt; Except for that it is necessary to speak about sterility or barrenness after a year of a regular sexual life. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena - - ---Dear doctor Kamenetsky, I thank you for the operative answer and links to sites. I have already familiarized with them also much have taken into account. While I would like to learn or find out personally your opinion and reasons of other doctors of the Forum on my situation on the basis of those data who already are and which I have stated in the reference or manipulation. The most important - whether only in Prolactinum has put, that you would recommend to check up still first of all and whether it is necessary also what your forecasts for a favorable outcome and rate of its or his offensive or approach. In advance I thank you for the answer Yours faithfully Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Elena! If you my personal opinion I do not think interests that the digits of a level of Prolactinum resulted or brought by you in a blood render any influence on your genesial function. And considering anamnestic data, it is necessary to check first of all permeability of uterine pipes, t.e.provesti GSG or a diagnostic laparoscopy. With uv. B.Kamenetsky

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena - - ---Dear doctor Kamenetsky, I thank you for the answer and references though did not expect, that Prolactinum at all and. As I understand, you assume any more gross infringement of type of an obstruction of pipes and t.p.. You could not prompt, gda it is possible to spend GSG and how much seriously given research a side effect, a reality of diffusion of a slow inflammation if those is available and t.p.. That in your opinion most influences my genesial function and how much or as far as it can be serious average percent or interest of treatment, terms. Thanks you big for your participation! Yours faithfully, Elena

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Elena! Unfortunately the further references in a regimen on-line are unproductive, since detailed studying a question and an internal occurring is required. With uv. B.Kamenetsky

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alexey (mav@energy.spb.ru) - - ---Dear doctor B.Kamenetsky, Please inform me on e-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto:mav@energy.spb.ru*quot; *gt; mav@energy.spb.ru*lt;/A*gt; whether probably to pay EKO from the third parties from SSHAna the settlement account of the center? And how to learn or find out exact cost in view of medicines? Money while is not present, and time to lose it would not be desirable for the following reason: We with suprugoj were at you almost one year ago, have handed over analyses and basically there is all indications on EKO. However in May to the wife did or made operation in clinic at Taurian institute of improvement of professional skill and as a result operations the emergency histology has come to light dobrokachesvennaja a tumour of an ovary. It was planned to make in operation diagnostic liparoskopiju and a hydrotubation. It was necessary to delete one ovary. Doctors have told or said, that the risk of development of a tumour on other is great enough and if want the child do not postpone on long EKO. We hope to come to you in the near future as soon as we shall find out a question with financing procedure. We shall hope and believe in success!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---the answer otprvil to the specified address With uv. B.Kamenetsky