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01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---Good afternoon morning, evening! Tell or say please if the smear from a vagina has bacillary flora, whether can be at such flora of an infection of a chlamydia, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma and herpes? Whether speaks it about cleanliness of a vagina?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---Bacillary flora, generally speaking, an attribute good. However at its or her presence the listed infections completely to exclude it is impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---it is simple I am am excruciated constantly with an itch.... On all perineum...... And this time even inside all has swelled up and is such white curdled type of allocation... But a thrush have not found in a smear!!!!!! My doctor speaks that the allergy on linings is possible or probable.. Have made a lavage miramistinom a tumour slept but allocation is but small... A smell vydeleny too as at a thrush.. When for a long time I handed over analyses and on chlamydias, a ureaplasma, a mycoplasma, tsmv, herpes all was negative. Both at me and at the husband.. Handed over analyses in institute of microbiology of name Gamalei in Moscow.. I do not think that they could oshibitsja.. But the truth to me cauterized condylomas there. In September, 2000 them have not found, I in July 2000 have given birth to the child and to me have told or said that the dysbacteriosis of a vagina is possible or probable.. On it or this me disturb such allocation. That you tell or say in this occasion. JAneznaju to go now to hand over analyses, and after gino- and miramistina likely it is better to hand over a blood? She will be indicative if that that is???? In advance thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---Dear doctors! Whether as you consider or count the thrush can interfere with achievement of pregnancy? But there is she not during the fertile period. After endometrial injections of antibiotics after laparaskopii she disturbs me about one year. Has tried probably all national and medicamental treatments, has passed together with the husband we are treated on Difljukan, but also he is effective only weeks on 3 further all repeats. Speak this disease it is connected with immunity. Whether so it, also what you will advise to undertake still? Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---Mille. That you have described on a simple thrush not so similar. However the simple thrush also does not happen - always there is something, that allows her to develop. Be mistaken in the analysis can everybody especially, if result negative. Also has put here not so much in qualification, how much in technology. Probably, it is necessary to be rechecked. But to hand over a blood all the same does not follow - the probability of incorrect interpreting is too great. To Tatyana. If business is has reached or cunning a laparoscopy, business, obviously, not in a thrush. She only the free supplement something more essential.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---I always handed over smears..... That is it not a thrush.. And what is it can be? When I should go to hand over how much should time pass or take place from treatment miramistinom and gino pevarilom?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---It not only a thrush. I believe, after candles of couple of days-three it is enough.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---on what is concrete then it is necessary to hand over analyses?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---First of all, on a ureaplasma and a herpes. On Trichomonases it is possible to not hand over - hardly will find, even if is.

01.09.2004, 19:30
JUlja (- - - ---Dear V.Dvorjanchikov, you where you accept could not inform. JUlja

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---Thanks.... And more a question analyses should prijavjazany to be as that to a cycle... We shall assume to hand over in first half or in the second?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---yes, and chlamydias and tsmv? How nada???

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---Julias. In Toljati. But since Monday, probably, I shall go on leave on couple of weeks. Mille. Concerning these infections, probably, luchshche during an ovulation or srau polse monthly. But differences not so essential. TSMV, perhaps, it is necessary. And on a chlamydia will not prevent, though clinic, like, not hlamidijnaja.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---Thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---Mr. Dvorjanchikov! Thanks for the answer. Then still a question. How I understand a thrush can accompany to mask other infections? Analyses on all originators handed over, found only chlamydias, 3-4 time together with the husband were treated, have cured at last, has passed or has taken place year as last time the analysis has been handed over, but to me spoke, whether that chlamydias can renew even if anywhere do not catch the truth it? And that can be to me already again it is necessary be checked. Well and as after stolkih the antibiotics tried on us a doxycycline, rulid, klatsid, Rifampicinum and t.d to not be to a thrush if normal flora have killed at all. Yes by the way and in a tank. Crop mushrooms do not find, and she is. To that to believe what analyses and how to be? Can hand over what analyses still? In advance I thank for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---PS: the Laparoscopy did or made personally to see .29 years, pregnancy Right it has been passed or it has been taken place;it has been passable in preampuljarnom a department, and left normal, but on US the right ovary at me works more often, therefore pregnancy to me not vidat as own ears. I already have almost despaired, and EKO it is very dear or expensive procedure, and from the first to anybody it was impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---Chlamydias cannot samozaroditsja if it was possible to get rid of them. However disposal of them on a background of the developed adherent or adhesive process by means of antibiotics - business almost remediless. From here and povere about their self-origin. More in detail about it or this can read through *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // panacea.narod.ru/Chlamydiosis.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _blank*quot; *gt; ?nN?y*lt;/A*gt;, though the site only has started to be formed and this clause or article as a matter of fact, a fish who is a subject fair addition.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Popenko Elena Vasilevna (mercury@tmn.ru) - - ---Dear Tatyana! If uterine pipes really impassable or zatrudnyonno passed or taken place;permeable anything except for an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis you will not wait. In occasion of that at anybody pregnancy after EKO does not come from the first allow with you will disagree. At the first attempts EKO chance of pregnancy much more above, than at the subsequent. On our center at first attempt EKo pregnancy comes more often. Yours faithfully: Popenko Elena Vasilevna, medical director of the International Center of Genesial Medicine "Merkury" Tyumen, the doctor the -gynecologist, the candidate of medical sciences. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto:mercury@tmn.ru*quot; *gt; mercury@tmn.ru*lt;/A*gt;

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---And why all the establishments practising EKO so are modest concerning statistics of conceptions and, the main thing, vynashivany? That it would be easier to publish data: from the first attempt - %, %; from the second attempt - %, %....

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---Uv. Doctors! Thanks for answers. But I did not speak, that my pipes are not passed or not taken place;not passable, is not passed or not taken place;not passable only right, left very much even is passed or taken place;passable, I spoke that the left ovary works less often right. In fact according to leaders it is considered the right ovary. Here if I in current of year really shall not wait from the left party or side, then certainly EKO.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---business hardly in lowered production of the left ovary. It is possible to find and more simple explanation. For example, ureaplasmas, directly, eat ootids and spermvatozoidami. And in this case, even at full serviceability of appendages, the probability of conception sharply decreases, as though, without the visible reasons.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Milla (- - - ---Tatyana, how much or as far as I understand you need to look every month on uzi in what ovary an ootid... Also do not experience all at you it will turn out!!! The most important it it is necessary och to want the child. And in your case considering normal job of the left ovary all is possible or probable!!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---Uv. V.Dvorjanchikov! Thanks for the answer. On a ureaplasmosis were checked did not find out, but I shall listen to you and I shall be rechecked. Milla! On US the ootid even 2 went once a month in current of half a year from them 1 times of all was formed from the left party or side, and vdrugih months happened both with is left and from the right, but dominant or prepotent-in right here and all arithmetics, therefore I have ceased to go on US potomuchto it even worse when precisely you know that at the left and again a miss, tears and t.d But all the same thanks for support.

01.09.2004, 19:30
By V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.ifopac.ru) - - ---Tatyana, On many versions of mycoplasmas/ureaplasmas the test-systems it is not developed yet. And reliability of diagnostics of existing kinds too leaves to wish much the best. Therefore, even at negative tests, it is necessary to be convinced in full otstustvii clinical displays.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tatyana (- - - ---Uv. V.Dvorjanchikov! Except for a thrush and that not every day any other attributes I do not notice, because it is a little nachitana what should be vlag. Flora and in what days menstr. A cycle. Can natolknete on any other displays, I shall be very grateful.