Просмотр полной версии : Gemostazigramma and VA

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon.

Long sterility or barrenness, laparoscopy (endometriodnaja a cyst, nge),

Then 3 nyxes zoladeksa). The cycle was restored (now the second cycle), pregnancy has not come or stepped.

Has handed over antibodies to fosfolipidam. IgM=IgG=4 (norm or rate up to 10)

And the result gemostazigrammy has simply killed me: (-hr. The hypercoagulation, function of thrombocytes is lowered, assay on lupoid anticoagulant slabopolozhitelnaja (85 at norm or rate up to 70).

1. It antifosfolipidnyj a syndrome? Whether can such be at my normal level of antibodies to fl?

2. Whether it can (a hypercoagulation and VA) to cause primary sterility or barrenness?

In advance thanks!

ps has asked a question on cir.msk.ru on Friday, yet have not responded. Help or assist to understand, please, - that where it is possible to esteem, I while in a shock from the diagnosis, think nothing:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. svetka!

I while in a shock from the diagnosis, think nothing.....

It antifosfolipidnyj a syndrome? Whether can such be at my normal level of antibodies to fl?

Occasion for a shock I think is not present, since no diagnosis while is present, and the prospective diagnosis antifosfolipidnogo a syndrome is not established or installed.

Data about influence AFAT on offensive or approach of pregnancy (I have in view of implantation) according to the literature are rather inconsistent. Probably it is possible to speak with greater confidence about influences AFAT on vynashivanie to pregnancy. I shall result or bring some citations:

Last years the attention akusherov was involved with researches of rheumatologists about communication or connection otjagoshchennogo the obstetric anamnesis with presence in a blood of " lupoid anticoagulant (VA). For the first time antibodies to a cardiolipin have been revealed at patients with a systemic lupus erythematosus in this connection they have been named lupoid antigoaguljant . In the further it has been shown, that VA meets only at 20 % sick of a systemic lupus erythematosus and comes quite often to light or is quite often taped in a blood of practically healthy women with otjagoshchennym by the obstetric anamnesis.

For a designation of a status at which lupoid anticoagulant is defined or determined, a thrombocytopenia and presence in the anamnesis nevynashivanija pregnancy in 1987 E.N. Harris, etc. has entered the term antifosfolipidnyj a syndrome

Literary data about presence AFAT at women without signs autoimunnyh diseases raznorechivy. In job E.N. Harris, etc. (1987) describe absence AFAT at 90 % of a population of healthy pregnant women. At the same time defined or determined presence AFAT in a blood at women without signs of autoimmune diseases, but with habitual nevynashivaniem pregnancy. Many authors mark or celebrate combination AFAT, IgG and-or IgM and habitual nevynashivanija pregnancy. The combination of lupoid anticoagulant, antifosfolipidnyh the antibodies, raised or increased maintenance or contents IgG at patients without attributes of an autoimmune pathology but with habitual nevynashivaniem pregnancy is revealed.


Whether it can (a hypercoagulation and VA) to cause primary sterility or barrenness?

As the monoreason, most likely is not present, as the variant of the reasons nevynashivanija pregnancy this reason is considered or examined;surveyed. But I can calm you since these reasons give in to medicamental correction.

Assay on lupoid anticoagulant slabopolozhitelnaja (85 at norm or rate up to 70).

It is possible to consider or examine;survey as an error of measurement.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris! Big to you thanks for the detailed answer.

I am now already glad, that similar problems have come to light (let and casually) before possible or probable offensive or approach of pregnancy - now I can take well-timed measures.

Thanks once again!