Просмотр полной версии : Sterilization

01.09.2004, 19:30
My husband was sterilized in 1995, it or he already had three children from first marriage by then. Now we want the child, but he speaks, that return operation to him to do or make late. I would like to learn or find out, whether it is valid or not? If it so, whether that it is possible to become pregnant to me artificial by from it or him? I so understand, what if he is sterilized, means it is impossible even to use its or his semen? Please, who knows explain!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. maika!

If at it or him the spermatogenesis (ability to make spermatozoons) carrying out of an extracorporal fertilization with application ICSI in this case is possible or probable is saved. Spermatozoons in this case can be received operative by. By the way, the first successful experience of application of this procedure in our country, has been spent in 1995 in our center.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for your report, but, whether as to me to learn or find out the spermatogenesis at it or him is saved and, what means operative by? It is operation? What is the time it is required to us to get or start for example the child in such a way, more precisely how much time we should come to you to the center? And how much is such services? Whether it is possible to reserve a floor of the child at an artificial insemination? These are very important questions for me, I would like to have time to give birth till 37-38 years.

I look forward to your answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. maika!

Communicate with me on bodies (812 3282251


01.09.2004, 19:30
6 - years it at all a verdict for reconstructive operation and an opportunity to have children estessvennym by. Chances of reconstruction statistically even exceed those at IKSI. Except for that to iskussvenomu opodotvoreniju it will be possible to return in case of unsuccessful reconstruction.