Просмотр полной версии : The regenerative period after a laparoscopy

01.09.2004, 19:30

One week ago to me operation on : process in a small basin of 2-3 degrees of diffusion has been spent laparoskopicheskaja, it is more on the right, a -genital endometriosis of 4 degrees the diffusions plural endometrioidnye of a cyst (5) right ovaries, a fibroma of the right ovary, a plural hysteromyoma, with a low locating of one of sites in the field of an isthmus (d=3,5 sm), a pathology endometrija.

During operation have divided or undressed solderings in a small basin, have spent a salpingolysis from two parties or sides, have spent conservative mioektomiju, an enucleation of a cyst of the right ovary, -uterine pipes are passed or taken place;passable. Features: miomnyj are not expedient for deleting the site, as he to be near to a ureter and a uterine vessel deeply in parameter. A currettage of a cavity of the uterus, a control hysteroscopy ---here all muck which can happen with 28 years or summer, not given birth or not travailled the woman.

Operation has passed or has taken place without complications. At home was for 3 day. Vydeleny practically was not. A stomach or belly soft. Seams heal normally.

I on a speciality the pharmaceutist, and by virtue of it or this and am a lot of another (as you understand) me very much disturb following questions.

1. What on duration the regenerative period after similar operation? And whether it is required to any special therapy (vit E, Acidum folicum, etc.) after operation. The surgeon, performed operation, has told or said, that any hormonal treatment, any tablets it is not necessary for me. It is necessary only to try to become pregnant in two months. The following question from here follows.

Whether 2. there is a chance to become pregnant after all operative manipulations later only two months? Whether my poor organs will be ready to such event?

3. At a colposcopy before operation in institute Gamalei at me have found out small pappilomy on mucous, in an input or entrance in a vagina (on pappilomovirus 16,18 types I yet did not hand over the analysis) and erosion shejki uteruses. The doctor has advised to remove pappilomy trihloruksusnoj an acid on a background of treatment izoprinozinom, and then to borrow or occupy in destruction of erosion. Whether a question-is expedient or a question-expediently treatment izoprinozinom me and the husband (at it or him pappilomy on a body) in a view of pregnancy planned through couple of months? And how it is fast, after a laparoscopy it will be possible for me prizhech erosion and to exterminate pappilomy?

Huge human thanks for the answer)))

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. lezi!

It is difficult to argue with your treating vrachem since he immediately spent an intervention, however as it seems to me the volume of an operative measure described by you enough big and the period of an aftertreatment should make not less half a year.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, Boris!

Thanks for that you have responded to one of many my questions. One ambiguity became less. Though I and not spets in this area, and only the pharmaceutist, and most seemed to me, that so to hurry events as it is offered by the surgeon done or made operations, not necessary. Though and in an extract in references a is specified-sparing regimen and contraception 1 month. Probably much still depends on individuality of an organism. Thanks still time for advice or council. I shall be typed or collected impudence and I shall ask to respond, whenever possible, you and to other questions placed in previous my report.

Yours faithfully, lezi

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether .- treatment izoprinozinom me and the husband (at it or him pappilomy on a body) in a view of pregnancy planned through couple of months? And how it is fast, after a laparoscopy it will be possible for me prizhech erosion and to exterminate pappilomy?

Yes, it is better papilom to spend treatment up to pregnancy. As if to an electrocoagulation of erosion here a question disputable and without survey it or him to not solve

01.09.2004, 19:30
Boris, thanks for the answer.

Yours faithfully, lezi