Просмотр полной версии : Failure EKO?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Help or Assist to understand (I you here likely has already tortured...)

For 26 day of pregnancy (under analysis HGCH pregnancy was)

Have begun monthly

The strong headache (never such was in a life) preceded it or this but pressure at me lowered could affect or influence it?

How it to name an abortion or unsuccessful EKO?

The analysis on antispermalnye antibodies 95 (in intermediate value or meaning;importance 60-100) but is close to bad? It could affect or influence?

And if you have what that other reasons about the reasons of mine burning tell or say....

I am going to to repeat EKO in 3 months, it is not counter-indicative?

Thanks big


01.09.2004, 19:30
Really it is possible to speak about pregnancy after acknowledgement or confirmation of the diagnosis by means of ultrasound.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravstaujte Sima. I address to you for advice or council. To me 28, I wish to make EKO. Whether probyvali you even after unsuccessful attempt? Whether was at you complications after? And in general, what you can tell or say in occasion of EKO? Yours faithfully, Aglaja.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Whether probyvali you even after unsuccessful attempt?

Is not present still I am going to in August-September..

Whether was at you complications after?

Here only today has learned or has found out, that similar complications are not present, the rests of a fetal egg on US it is not revealed, HGCH goes down gradually, after giper stimulations of cysts are not present vobshchem like alive! And already even a little bit vigorous!

And in occasion of EKO, Aglaja no trouble and boleznenogo in it or this there is no glavnoja a load moral very much it would be desirable that it has turned out from the first! Instead of as at all from the fourth

It is a lot of information on this subject in a forum search for a subject CONCEPTION I WANT CHILD EKO

http: // www.eva.ru/servlet/HeadServlet? subsys=board*amp; pageHandler=ForumFrameMaker

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks Sima! I wish your of good luck, and do not despair. It is possible still a question: And consequences what can be for ovaries (I so have understood, what probably cyst, etc.?) And more: and at a hormonal level (for example diko to recover?). Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Fortunately problems with cysts does not happen, though earlier on a life they at me happened... And at girls in forumeja heard too there were such problems... But tablets (treatment) them clean or remove or sometimes some cycles of a cyst wait can leave...

And with updating problems too was not, apetitu on the contrary was not for excitement, ate because it is necessary, have told or said there is a meat of an egg and the chicken that consequences (unpleasant sensations) after hyperstimulation have passed or have taken place more quickly (but it I speak all as I have understood..)


If you want still here esteem

http: // www.eva.ru/forum/show? pid=65775

01.09.2004, 19:30
Greetings, Sima. Thanks for the answer and for the link. Necessarily I esteem. I so understand, all this is necessary to me, and consequently any information is interesting.