Просмотр полной версии : How correctly to dress

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello. I was mistaken section, but something has not found suitable me. And so at me such question. My member at an erection of 12 sm and under it or him it is difficult to me to pick up a condom, I spend for it a lot of time and money, they to me are great a little. What can you advise on this question, in fact do not write what elastic greater or big or small, or exists markerovka what? And the second question if has found a suitable condom that when I delay a prepuce as the head at me completely does not open, and I dress a condom then at the certificate or act he at me moves together with this flesh and that comes on a head comes back to the basis. And should be or the flesh should be fixed up to a head of a member? WHAT to do or make? Can not delay a flesh? I at all do not know.... Help or Assist please... Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The question should be addressed to the urologist-.