Просмотр полной версии : Results of a hysteroscopy

01.09.2004, 19:30
prokomentirujte please results of a hysteroscopy and a histology.

Day of a cycle 9, Length of a cavity of the uterus on a probe 8. The cervical channel is expanded 6 without difficulties. The Cavity of the uterus is not deformed, not expanded. Mucous acyanotically pink, thin. The vascular drawing is not expressed. Ostiums endometriodnyh courses are not visible. Ostiums of uterine pipes are free.

Histology: In small sites endometrija a hydropic stroma (so in my opinion) and moderated or moderate to-in straight lines and hardly izvityh glands (an average phase about-). In advance thanks.

Tatiana Che
01.09.2004, 19:30

The picture, according to data of morphological research endometry soovetstvuet to phase MTS, that too norm or rate is described normal gisteroskopicheskaja. For what reason to you recommended GS?

01.09.2004, 19:30
There was first attempt EKO, now prepare to krioprotokolu. In this connection have appointed or nominated. Simply now wash the doctor on seminars and there was nobody to explain.

Thanks big for such fast otvet.:)