Просмотр полной версии : I ask your advice or council!

01.09.2004, 19:30

The situation following - two years ago on a diagnostic hysteroscopy (without soskobov) has been diagnosed an endometriosis 1 to a degree, with the clause, that insignificant and treatment yet does not demand. In half a year after that there was a laparoscopy on which from an abdominal cavity of an endometriosis it was revealed not absolutely. This month twice (in the extremity or end of a cycle on 22 day, and in the beginning of the following - on 8 day of a cycle) was on US (the good equipment). On the conclusion on 20 day of a cycle was - ehoskopicheski attributes of an internal endometriosis. On 8 day of a following cycle the doctor literally has told or said the following: *quot; the Internal layer of a uterus homogeneous, but in an average third stenok I find the centers of an endometriosis so the endometriosis, certainly is, but not an adenomyosis, unequivocally. And quot; my gynecologist on the basis of result of a hysteroscopy and last US has appointed or nominated Diferelin on 3,75 in/m to three months three nyxes. Plus on restoration of a cycle then up to 70 days. And we plan +, not at ourselves in city. Whether it is necessary to waste time and money on diferelin with my endometriosis, or already to be going to to surrender on the report? Excuse, if it is chaotic also thankful in advance for advice or council.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Olga!

Probably you somehow not so have understood your doctor, therefore as: *quot; the Internal layer of a uterus homogeneous, but in an average third stenok I find the centers of an endometriosis so the endometriosis, certainly is, but not an adenomyosis, unequivocally. And quot; such conclusion the expert cannot give, because an internal endometriosis, localization of the centers in an average third of muscular layer of a uterus and an adenomyosis is a description of one total concepts of the ADENOMYOSIS.

As if to purposes or appointments really there are data, that carrying out of procedure EKO (IKSI) with application of the superlong report improves results of the program, but in this case about any restoration after reception Diferelina speech cannot go, since how much or as far as to me clearly speech about spontaneous pregnancy does not go (since apparently there are problems and at your spouse) and stimulation should be begun later 10-12 days after introduction of last injection Diferelina. It seems to me, that you can specify this question at the expert with whom you plan to spend program eko/???.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris!

Many thanks for an explanation and consultation.