Просмотр полной версии : There is nothing I do not understand

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, I in full neponemanie situations: (the matter is that to me yesterday otpunktirovali 14 jajtsikletok, half should opladotvarit by means of Iksi and the others 7 should opladotvarjatsja. Today (in 24 hours) after a puncture to me two have told or said that opladotvarilos only with Iksi and without iksi vobshche 0

How such can be? I considered or counted that if Iksi that should opladotvaritsja everything, besides a semen at my husband good

For the first time at us from 7 mi opladotvarilos 5 (without iksi) in second time from 14 opladotvarilos 7 as without Iksi. In third time from 7 mi opladotvarilas one then the doctor has told or said that we shall do or make Iksi. And here yesterday zdelali also that from 14 only two and that by Iksi:confused: unless such can be? To me of 25 years, to the husband 28 EKO it is done or made in Israel

Such result from for that can that the last 2 times stimulated me menagonom? Only the first 5 days gonalom and after up to a puncture with gonala passed on menagon, can from it or him jajtsikletki hudshego qualities? Though from an extract from hospital all is written that 14 high qualities.

And more podsadka will be in revival, endometry 15 mm are normal endometry at podsadki or bolshevatyj?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. sarmita!

In a similar situation I also as well as at you would have questions to the doctor:confused:

In occasion of thickness endometrija to worry it is not necessary. I believe, that at carrying out it is already far not its or his first attempt possible or probable patologogija it has been excluded earlier.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uvazhaimyj Boris, tomorrow at me podsadka and a stomach or belly already noet as at monthly, that that to me all it nenravitsja: (on schot checks endometrija that to me in it or this protakole zdelali uzi for 3 day of a cycle (was long protakol) and endometry was 9 mm, whether the doctor has told or said that under the analysis of a blood will solve the biopsy endometrija is necessary to me, has told or said that he nevidit nothing on uzi suspicious and that that endometry such big so this structure of a uterus. A blood then have taken (I was on sinarele with 21 go day of a cycle and for 3 day of a cycle have taken a blood) have responded that a biopsy to do or make it is unnecessary and from fifth day of a cycle I can nachenat prick gonal on 2 ampoules in day of 5 days for the sixth day to pass on menagon and to prick only it or him as on 2 ampoules, for the seventh day on uzi then uzi has shown endometry 14 mm. Monthly there were 7 days

At me was gidroskopija on 7 d.ts. 2 years ago there is nothing suspicious on her neuvidili.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. sarmita!

Subjective sensations cannot be interpreted. As if to endometrija 9 mm for 3-rd day of a cycle, seem to me that you have not correctly understood something. It is complex or difficult to me to assume such thickness endometrija for 3 day of a cycle.

Nasklko to me it is clear, earlier carried out researches of a cavity of the uterus with a biopsy endometrija bad have not found anything.

To me it seems to you it is not necessary so laboriously to try to prognosticate an outcome. On mine it is necessary to try simply something of to distract. Successes to you.

With uv. B.Kamenetsky

01.09.2004, 19:30
There is no I all have fine understood, 9 mm on 3 put a cycle (at me on all papers so it is written also honey. The sister then to vrachju has gone vyesnjat why 9 mm, he has responded that a structure of a uterus such) monthly I usually have 7 days.

On the very first protakole to me have given a nyxis dekapeptila for 21 day of a cycle and for 4 day of a cycle uvidili a cyst and stimulation otlazhili for 12 days. All these or it 12 days went monthly, on 12 yj day uzi has shown that the cyst has descended or gone and endometry then became 4 mm.

All noverno endometry at me nevychishchaetsja, can is necessary zdelat cleaning, embryoses at us turn out high quality 8 - 10 ti cellular so in chom still can be problemma as not in it or this endometrii.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes has forgotten to add a biopsy to me did not do or make, only gidroskopiju. There is nothing on the analysis nebrali

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello it again I:) 2 go May to me have placed two 8 mi cellular embryoses with hetchingom, podsadka was sovmesto with uzi (I have achieved it or this) last times all time did or made without, all has passed or has taken place successfully even nebylo painfully as in last potakoly, even now neznaju where to me placed earlier, the doctor has told or said that at me shejka uteruses problematic and consequently difficultly to do or make podsadku.

Today (10 go May) the test has shown two strias, but the second certainly weak but it or her it is well visible. Nyxis Hg was 27 go April, how much units to tell or say nemogu since this time there was what that the new preparation Ovetrelle, only one ampoule in 250 mg.

Whether write please this stria can mean rest HG in urine after nyxis Ovetrelle? On the analysis of a blood to me 13 go May, the stomach or belly does not hurt any more (sometimes chjut chjut) vobshche not what oshchjushcheny

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. sarmita!

Most likely it is a question about rekombinantnom preparation HG - ovidrelle. In Russia while it is a preparation I am not registered also is familiar with it or him only under existing publications.

If the resolving or allowing dose of this preparation has been entered more weeks ago (and it is valid so) its or his definition in urine at the moment is complex or difficult to assume.

Successes to you and high digits HGCH.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks big, 13 go May I shall write the answer:rolleyes:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello Boris, today 13 go May HGCH at me 135:rolleyes: it is 12 yj day after podsadki (day podsadki the first day) in revival (16 go May) to me on repeated analysis HG, tell or say please what he should become?

Simply I already am afraid, once already was beremenost after EKO, on 12 yj day hg was 49, on 14 yj only 62 and on 16 yj has fallen on 50: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
As a rule level HGCH should increase or be enlarged twice each three days. I would make in a week already -research.

I congratulate. I think, that all will be in the same bed or channel.


01.09.2004, 19:30
znachet Hg should be in revival where that 400? From us the first analysis on HG take on 12 yj day if there is a pregnancy that on 14 yj (simply tomorrow Saturday the day off, therefore at me all turns out not on 14 yj and 15 yj) after if again ok. In a week povtordnyj analysis HG and if all well that in 10 days on uzi

01.09.2004, 19:30
uf, today hg 558, have told or said zdat 23 more May hg what he should be in a week.? The stomach or belly sometimes hurts, polamyvaet, it is normal?

01.09.2004, 19:30
uf, today hg 558, have told or said zdat 23 more May hg what he should be in a week.

By simple arithmetic actions, I think with calculations you will consult independently.

The insignificant nagging pain in the bottom of a stomach or belly can be, since ovaries after stimulation remain with you increased.

Do not worry. All goes the turn.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello Boris, 23 go May zdala the repeated analysis hg, has asked in clinic how much he should be, to me have responded that where that 3000. Has received the answer and hg 8335 it is two at a birth? At me periodichiski noet a bottom of a stomach or belly, especially at night if I shall turn over sideways that I wake up from nojushchy pains in the field of a uterus how I shall turn over on a back a pain passes or takes place, it cannot be threat? 2 go June to me on uzi