Просмотр полной версии : spermogramma

01.09.2004, 19:30
My husband was surveyed in other city and the analysis of an ejaculate has handed over already before departure, t.ch. To descend or go to the doctor behind explanations was not in time, help or assist pozhalusta to understand with spermogrammoj and to decipher it or her:

Volume - 3,4

Color - gray-white

Smell - usual

Viscosity - 0,8

Colliquations are not present (in an hour)

rn an ejaculate - 8,0

Concentration in 1 - 15

Is active or Activly-mobile - 3 %

Inactive - 9 %

Motionless - 88 %

With normal morphology - 40 %

Pathology of a head - 33 %

Pathology shejki and a tail - 18 %

The mixed pathology - 4 %

Even during inspection at it or him it was revealed augmentation of the left share of a liver (explain augmentation doctors could not), a liver on US very light as doctors have told or said. And more at it or him the level of a hemoglobin in a blood is very lowered. Whether prompt pozhalusta can depend on it or this spermogramma, whether pregnancy is possible or probable in general at such parameters and how it can be treated? In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1- -40 % of normal spermatozoons 3 % mobile, but unfortunately, it at all from number normal, and the general or common percent or interest of mobility that is not enough.

2 and quot; a light liver *quot; on US-imagination O???Oa/it is not defined or determined on uzi/

I recommend-receive other conclusion at more qualified expert on uzi,

-receive internal consultation of the urologist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well and all taki prompt pozhalusta what chances to conceive the child at such spermogramme how it is possible to improve its or her parameters and what could become the reason of such analyses?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is only primary comment, wait consultation of the urologist at this forum, not always for this purpose there is time in deadlines.

In addition to told or said-before all it is not necessary to despair, as there is a way of allocation from a semen of teleorganic spermatozoons, creations from ??O*quot; oU???i?U*quot; an ejaculate and its or his introductions for conception.

Thus you have an opportunity to become pregnant from the husband, and to have the child.


01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for support, we shall hope. Whether and more mogliby you could prompt on contents of an ejaculate to affect or influence operation the matter is that 4 years back my husband has got in failure or accident and thus the haunch bone, and so a cut have been broken at operation on merging tazovyh kotej (have inserted metal *quot; ?N???O?*quot; in a basin) has been made directly above a sexual member and at the second operation on extraction of metal the cut was done or made on the same place.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The answer *quot; na*quot; *quot; ?NO*quot; have no now any value or meaning;importance

Spezmatozoidy such as they are are developed or produced by an organism .lichno my opinion that there is no communication or connection of their quality and the spent operation.

Uvas there is a chance to become or begin mother, and it in a case if is not present medical problems of you/.

01.09.2004, 19:30
One of the reasons of an immovability of spermatozoons of a-infection (a ureaplasma and a mycoplasma)

01.09.2004, 19:30
And as it can be revealed and how to treat?