Просмотр полной версии : Question Kamenetskomu - not Country EKO, what further?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris,

Has just finished the first, alas the unsuccessful, short report.

From preparations used puregon, orgalutran, Pregnylum

6 cells have turned out, all were impregnated, two of them - a class And.

It is transferred or carried - 3 embryoses.

poddverzhka - utrozhestan, proginova, Pregnylum, deksametazol.

First the stomach or belly was inflated, pouted, pouted, and has then taken and was blew off.

The doctor has told or said, that all was well, simply has not carried, but something should be changed, therefore advises poprobyvat the long report which can be begun in a following cycle, tk.organizm to EKO is ready.

1 - from your point of view, whether cavities of the uterus are necessary additional issdedovanija, for example?

Question 2 - whether it is possible to go at once on the following report (certainly, I would like), but I am afraid of such hormonal attack to an organism: (

Yours faithfully,


01.09.2004, 19:30

1 - from your point of view, whether cavities of the uterus are necessary additional issdedovanija, for example?

I usually recommend to expand inspection after the second unsuccessful attempt, it is natural, if was not present any *quot; ONON???*quot; to the embryologic report.

Question 2 - whether it is possible to go at once on the following report (certainly, I would like), but I am afraid of such hormonal attack to an organism: (

I usually recommend to pass or miss 2-3 cycles since at repeated stimulation (without interruption) the answer of ovaries can be much worse.