Просмотр полной версии : Whether to believe??????

01.09.2004, 19:30

In 18 years at me was extrauterine, break of the left pipe, peretonit. On the middle of a stomach or belly the big cut or section, and two punctures from the right and left party or side. The doctor after operation has told or said, that about children and speeches cannot be... (podkazhite why two punctures?) now to me 29, I wish to become pregnant. But whether it is possible or probable? We with the husband now are in the Peoples Republic of China, here has addressed to the gynecologist. In me have found out a hysteromyoma, the size 13 11. As, erosion shejki uteruses, the bend of a uterus, right jaaichnik is a little increased. Levoja the pipe thin, pravoja is looked through. (we have got used uoO?Oy*quot; have removed OOOiO*quot; whether so it? TEsli yes why she is looked through, tonjusenkuju but it is visible...) Most likely, by sinptomam, at me an endometriosis. (pains at the sexual certificate or act, giving to the right ovary, nojushchie before and after at mines-cycles) it is good to understand pains of the doctor and it was not possible to me. On native land or Rhodinum I shall be only in 7 months. On vypesannomu the doctor to the prescription, I prinemala a medicine, thus have excluded alcohol, smoking, in a ration acute.

In 2 months has made repeated uzi, the myoma has decreased for 1 mm (13-10...). Whether there is at me a chance to conceive the child (eko)??? Or with such bouquet to not hope any more about o the kid? That you can advise me at present. I do not wish to lose sikundy. I try to believe and hope.... It is given

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Daniella!

In 18 years at me was extrauterine, break of the left pipe, peretonit. On the middle of a stomach or belly the big cut or section, and two punctures from the right and left party or side. The doctor after operation has told or said, that about children and speeches cannot be... (podkazhite why two punctures?)

Most likely these cicatrixes speak that after operation there was a drainage, and the operative measure was valid serious.

Now to me 29, I wish to become pregnant. But whether it is possible or probable?

Even at such interventions pregnancy is not excluded, however the risk of occurrence of postoperative adherent or adhesive process is very great, and for this reason your doctor so pessimistichnno has depicted your forecast.

We with the husband now are in the Peoples Republic of China, here has addressed to the gynecologist. In me have found out a hysteromyoma, the size 13 11. As, erosion shejki uteruses, the bend of a uterus, right jaaichnik is a little increased. Levoja the pipe thin, pravoja is looked through. (we have got used uoO?Oy*quot; have removed OOOiO*quot; whether so it?

Most likely the part pipes (stump) is looked through, which does not carry out the transport function. A true state of affairs, I believe, it is described in the report of an operative measure.

Most likely, by sinptomam, at me an endometriosis. (pains at the sexual certificate or act, giving to the right ovary, nojushchie before and after at mines-cycles) it is good to understand pains of the doctor and it was not possible to me. On native land or Rhodinum I shall be only in 7 months. On vypesannomu the doctor to the prescription, I prinemala a medicine, thus have excluded alcohol, smoking, in a ration acute.

In 2 months has made repeated uzi, the myoma has decreased for 1 mm (13-10...). Whether there is at me a chance to conceive the child (eko)???

Application of methods of an auxiliary reproduction in the given situation - one of the few (if not unique) ways of the decision of a problem.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uvozhaemyj Boris Aleksandrovich.

Sposibo, that my questions could answer..

And still I would like to accept treatment. Only here with what to begin, from a myoma? At present I apply preporat allowing to slow down body height, *quot; expectant or waiting tactics ?N?N??n*quot; Others advise to not postpone opertsiju *quot; ???YO?n*quot;, while young and wishing to give birth.

With a bend of a uterus, spajki-treatment what, conservative or operative?? *quot; I understand that all it has appeared a postoperative intervention.

Endometrioze-this diagnosis to itself has established or installed. Pains in the bottom of the stomach or belly, not connected with a menses, a dyscomfort during employment or occupations by sex, a morbid menses, the Only thing not -smearing allocation before and after a menses. But in fact I could and be mistaken.. It Can spaiki have an effect. I have tortured likely to the guessings you. Forgive or excuse for earlier. Time flies so not noticeably. What a pity, what I in the another's country, where to all a -language barrier (medicine) how to be in such situation??

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv Daniella!

I can repeat only last phrase from the previous report:

Application of methods of an auxiliary reproduction (eko) in the given situation - one of the few (if not unique) ways of the decision of a problem.