Просмотр полной версии : Insemination and check of pipes

01.09.2004, 19:30
:confused: Tell or Say, please, at us the reason the cervical factor. To me 29 years, pregnancy never were. Last five years were protected by discontinuing the sexual certificate or act. The whole year in general nepridohranjalis, after the doctor has told or said to make the test for compatibility: rez-O otrits., me 2 inseminations (with stimulation) have already been made and both without the result, by a female part are not present Any inflammations or malaises, a cycle regular. At the husband nesovsem good spermogramma: small mobility and -in. Whether it is necessary to check up permeability of pipes, and then to do or make other attempts? Since besides the cervical factor can be and other reasons. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Koti!

Whether it is necessary to check up permeability of pipes, and then to do or make other attempts?

This most important research which should byto is spent prior to the beginning of treatment.

At the husband nesovsem good spermogramma: small mobility and -in.

At disturbance of mobility of spermatozoons (astenozoospermii) carrying out of AI is not shown.