Просмотр полной версии : Spermogramma

01.09.2004, 19:30
We almost 2,5 years try to get or start the child, one year ago have started to be surveyed. At me have found gipoterioz, compensated the Thyroxine, and now hormones in norm or rate. The husband has handed over spermogrammu, results not so good were, but to andrologu he has gone only later year. Here spermogramma one year ago:

Volume 4 ml (2-6 ml)

Consistence liquid

rn 8,0

-in spermatozoons in 1 ml 15 million

Is active-mobile 10 %

Inactive with progress of 20 %

Motionless 70 %

Agglutinations and are not present aggregation

Leucocytes 5-6 in sight

Colloid corpuscles are not found out

Letsitinovye grains in small kol-

Normal spermatoz. 50 %

With normal morphology of a head of 50 %

And here spermogramma from December, 30th:

Volume 2,1 ml

Consistence viscous or viscid

-in spermatozoons in 1 ml. 1 million

The general or common -in in an ejaculate 2,1 million

Is active or Activly-mobile-------

Inactive 24 %

From them: With progress of 32 %

With manezhnym 1 %

With -shaped movement of 67 %

Motionless spermatozoons of 76 %

Normal spermatoz. 32 %

Pathological forms of 68 %

-in alive spermatozoons of 24 %

Both of us it is simple in horror, the doctor has told or said, that with such spermogrammoj will not take even on EKO, not that that on an insemination. The diagnosis - Varikotsele at the left 2 items, hr. An epididymitis on the right (it is illegibly written), an oligospermatism. Both handed over on an infection - have found nothing, (just in case on a ureaplasma I have handed over the analysis 2 times). The doctor insists that such deterioration cannot be only because of varikotsele, and operation is necessary, but a problem will not solve. Prompt, in what there can be a business, why such sharp deterioration? What it is necessary to undertake first of all? To the husband only 30 years, do not smoke, drinks very seldom, it is a little polnovat, there is a raised or an increased pressure. To me 27 years, yet did not check permeability of pipes (the gynecologist refuses because of bad spermogrammy), there is a suspicion on an endometriosis and presence of solderings. I still had a hope for an artificial insemination, though it for us and dorogovato: (EKO, I am afraid, we at all shall not pull. Already I do not know on what to hope...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has specified the diagnosis: oligoastenozoospermija. On hormones the husband will hand over the analysis in a week (LG, FSG, Testosteron-Depotum, Prolactinum). It can be necessary to make still any analyses?..

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. NataliK!

It seems to me, that is necessary to carry out research of permeability of uterine pipes since if and there there will be problems it will be solved a question on expediency of carrying out of operation to your husband.