Просмотр полной версии : Consultation of the expert is very necessary!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! Advice or council of experts is very necessary.

Fruitless marriage or spoilage two years. By results of inspections, at me it's OK, at the husband it is revealed varikotselle. Wanted an insemination a semen muzha.shodili on consultation in one honey the center. To us have told or said that the insemination with such parameters spermogrammy is impossible. Only EKO. But there was a proof sensation *quot; Oa?ona*quot;.

Please, clear, whether it is valid at us there are no more variants except for EKO, or all the same it is possible an insemination? What should be the minimal parameters spermogrammy at which the insemination can be possible or probable? Can be vozhmozhno somehow improve parameters without surgical operation?

Here results of last spermogrammy: in brackets norm or rate

Volume 2 (2 - 6 Ml)

The Consistence Viscous or viscid (Viscous or viscid)

The Colliquation through 20 (10 - 30 Mines)

Viscosity 0,5 (0,1 - 0,5)

Color White (White)

The Smell spetsif. (spetsifich.)

RN 7,5 (7,2 - 8,0)

Mutnost Muddy (Muddy)

Slime No


Quantity or Amount of spermatozoons 1 ml 6,3 (*gt; 20)

Total in an ejaculate 12,6 (*gt; 40)

Is active or Activly-mobile (mobility) 10 %

Inactive with progress (b) 16 %

Mobility a + b 26 (*gt; 50 %)

Other kinds () 20 (4 %)

Motionless spermatozoons (d) 54 (*lt; 50 %)

Viability of spermatozoons 67 (*gt; 50 %)

Agglutination of spermatozoons Is not present No)

Aggregation of spermatozoons Is not present No)

Leucocytes 1153161 (up to 1 ml)

Erythrocytes Are not present No)

Macrophages Are not present No)

Spermiofagi No

Lipoid teltsa It is a lot of (Much)


Normal spermatozoons 38 (*gt; 50 %)

Pathological forms: 62 (*lt; 50 %)

A pathology of a head 34 (*lt; 30 %)

A hyperchromia

A pathology shejki 14 %

A pathology of a tail 14 %

Cells of a spermatogenesis (on 100 spermatozoons) 2 (2 - 4)

Unripe spermatozoons 0 (1 %)

Degenerate or Degenerative forms 1 (1 %)

Additional data

RC 1281250

THANKS. Very much we look forward to hearing.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. murzik!

To spend AI, however as well as any other treatment, is necessary at the certain indications.

One of indications to carrying out of AI is depression of quantity or amount of spermatozoons in an ejaculate at NORMAL MOBILITY (at your husband not so) and at NORMAL MORPHOLOGY of spermatozoons (at your husband not so).

Carrying out of treatment at androloga, naturally, in the given situation is not excluded.