Просмотр полной версии : Herpes and possible or probable implantation

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris Aleksandrovich!

I ask your opinion in occasion of retsediva a virus of simple herpes I (excruciates since the childhood) on labiums for the second day after podsadki.

Whether it can negatively be reflected in implantation of embryoses 8-7 kl. And, placed for 3 day?

Whether there is a probability of a becoming infected of fetuses in this case?

Possible or Probable treatment and consequences?

The forecast of development beremennostej in this case (from practice)?

On the Internet of opinion on the given bill inconsistent...

Yours faithfully,


01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Boris Aleksandrovich!

I ask your opinion in occasion of retsediva a virus of simple herpes I (excruciates since the childhood) on labiums for the second day after podsadki.

Whether it can negatively be reflected in implantation of embryoses 8-7 kl. And, placed for 3 day?

Whether there is a probability of a becoming infected of fetuses in this case?

Possible or Probable treatment and consequences?

The forecast of development beremennostej in this case (from practice)?

On the Internet of opinion on the given bill inconsistent... Opinions inconsistent because convincing given either confirming the assumption, or denying it or him, really is not present.

The probability of a fetal becoming infected of a fetus is minimal (does not exceed 5 %).

Most dangerously primary infection at pregnancy, relapses gerpeticheskoj infections during pregnancy (if primary infection was before its or her offensive or approach) do not represent serious threat.

01.09.2004, 19:30