Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. We with the young man were treated together for Trichomonases. At n...

31.08.2004, 16:42
The dear doctor. We with the young man were treated together for Trichomonases. It or he had repeated treatments (3 times). Last time about two weeks ago he has handed over a smear - Trichomonases have not found out. Now before army he has decided to be checked up again just in case - are found out. Only in a prostate, in the channel is not present. How such can be? To him have again registered transfusions Metrogilom, tablets Makmiror, and something or something else I (do not remember). Something can will advise that to him to do or make?

Malanova T.B.
01.09.2004, 18:40
Only specific protivotrihomonadnoe treatment.