Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor, Help or Assist please, to understand... Whether can it is negative...

31.08.2004, 14:56
Hello, the doctor,
Help or Assist please, to understand...
Whether can negatively affect or negatively have an effect the kid???
Hormones DEA and Testosteron-Depotum in norm or rate. But, from 11 years hair have started to grow around of papillas. With 21 - hair from a belly-button and below. In 26 - some hair on a chin. Very longly could not become pregnant, though physiologically was it's OK. Did or made also US of adrenals - pathologies it is not revealed.
At my mum nikaih such problems are not present in general. At the father was (is I do not know, we do not live together) was psoriaz-on folds of elbows (according to mum). At me a skin pure or clean, it is unique - on an occipital part of a head (about a neck) the small red speck which if I shall a little be fidgety starts to be scratched. (I try to eat dried fruits and it disturbs me less and small it )
The saw before pregnancy (months 9) drank Dexamethazonum on and frac14; tab. in day. Bromkripit on and frac12; tab. in day (Prolactinum has been a little raised or increased). Dexamethazonum in the same dose a saw till 14 weeks of pregnancy and djufaston on 1 tablet in day. In the rest - pregnancy passes or takes place normally without interventions.
Than my "status" can "threaten" the kid. (on US there will be a girl)?
On what to pay attention???
Thankful in advance for the answer.

Kasabulatov N.S.
01.09.2004, 18:19
Nata, you need to hand over periodically urine on 17 ketosteroidy and to adjust or regulate reception of Dexamethazonum. Every month to check a status shejki uteruses at the gynecologist. Nika % E