Просмотр полной версии : Prompt pozh-hundred, the long delay of a menstrual cycle, did or made the test...

31.08.2004, 09:58
Prompt pozh-hundred, the long delay of a menstrual cycle, did or made the test 2 - negative, BT-36, 9. Whether can affect or influence results of tests pastinor if he has been accepted month earlier. Slightly boleznenye oshchushchunija breasts as before a menses already nedel, and monthly all is not present. How to behave in the given situation, what to undertake? Thanks.

01.09.2004, 17:26
At pregnancy, temperature above 37!!! 37, 2 hotjaby. Even if also monthly on a background bereennosti happen - the temperature vseravno is raised or increased, and here if she though on degree below - not looking at all "attributes" - you are not pregnant. And on a background of reception postinora, very much often there is a failure of a cycle - or monthly come earlier, or a greater or big delay. And " the breast hurts " and t. The item is iz-for postinora - t. To. In itself a greater or big dose of hormones, here this all iz-for them. Itself so many times experienced, after it or him, that the pregnant woman, therefore and has found out all at doctors that is possible. Monthly will come or step - precisely. Personal honey agarics:)