Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say, please how much time during pregnancy it is possible delatuzi and eats...

30.08.2004, 05:15
Tell or Say, please how much time during pregnancy it is possible delatuzi and whether there are restrictions in kollichestve. Term of 12 weeks, already 3 times did or made US. Whether it is dangerous?

01.09.2004, 10:30
Do not worry, if the doctor appoints or nominates, so it is necessary. I, for example, have already made 4 US - at me term of 29 weeks, but at mench that's all right, was not present any patalogy or diseases. If at you something not so, the doctor appoints or nominates additional US. It is not harmful. Success.

01.09.2004, 15:44
I now on 27 oh weeks and while did or made uzi twice, but after the last to me have told or said, that will repeat each 6 weeks, 5 times for all pregnancy turn out that. At the first pregnancy I did or made 3 or 4 times. I do not think, what is it kak-that negatively influences the child.