Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Has measured basal temperature on 21 j day of a cycle - 37, 4. About...

25.08.2004, 11:31
Good afternoon! Has measured basal temperature on 21 j day of a cycle - 37, 4. A usual cycle 29 31 day. It is pregnancy or ovuljatsionnyj the period. With the husband very much tried to conceive the child with 8 go day of a cycle, did or made it in day. Now strange sensations in the bottom of a stomach or belly, sometimes slightly seizes.

The anonym
29.08.2004, 10:38
At me in 37, 4 was the approved or confirmed pregnancy. I congratulate you!

Kamenetskij B.A.
01.09.2004, 15:40
To establish or install the fact of offensive or approach of pregnancy it will be possible only after a delay monthly.