Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, excuse - fell asleep you questions. After an abortion one year ago have taken ts...

31.08.2004, 13:10
The doctor, excuse - fell asleep you questions. After an abortion one year ago have taken a cervical smear and PTSRobnaruzhili herpes, at immune research - the herpes idle time have proved to be true (in 18 years was gerpetichesky an otitis with break barab. Membranes), in an inactive phase (on Ig). What does it mean - herpes matochno-vulval or vaginal lokalizatsiitsii (on PTSR). And whether could result or bring its or his presence (without an exacerbation) in an abortion? What to do or make by preparation for pregnancy (now the herpes are inactive)? Thanks for so close or attentive attitude or relation to our problems.

Oshchepkova S.R.
01.09.2004, 11:53
IgG speaks, that infection was for a long time, and IgM - that recently. The herpes happen 2 types, genital are second type. The exacerbation during pregnancy could lead to an abortion, in akivnoj to a phase it or him touch or tamper with also he provokes nothing. Now it is possible to accept only immunomoduljatory: "viferon", immunal, an interferon, during their pregnancy as it is possible to accept suppositories.