Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvute, the doctor! pochemu-that my question has remained not responded, therefore z...

30.08.2004, 21:20
Zdravstvute, the doctor! pochemu-that my question has remained not responded, therefore to its or his backs once again: on 3 week of pregnancy within 8 days accepted on 2 times a day Trichopolum and ranitidin (there were problems with zheludkom-an intestine), has now learned or has now found out about pregnancy and has seen, that these medicines of pregnant women protivopakazany. How much or as far as they are dangerous and what you will advise in such situation? Yours faithfully, Olga

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.09.2004, 10:50
In such situation if you are interested in pregnancy it is necessary to spend prenatal diagnostics.