Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to me 22 years, one year ago have performed me operation on excision dermo...

31.08.2004, 02:03
Hello, to me 22 years, one year ago have performed me operation on excision dermologicheskoj cystomas of an ovary (resection). All has passed or has taken place well, but couple of days have again found out already a cyst on other ovary back. The doctor has told or said, that she will resolve (diameter of 28 mm.). Tell or say, please, really again it is necessary to do or make operation, or there is a probability of that, what is it it is possible to cure? The doctor has attributed to drink hormonal tablets and proiti US through 2 cycles.

Malanova T.B.
01.09.2004, 07:00
1. At you was, on visible, the DERMOID OOTHECOMA. 2. Similar education can be and in other ovary, such cysts are not treated by hormones therefore, the beginning of hormonal therapy should be postponed before reception of result of control US for 6 7 day of the next cycle.