Просмотр полной версии : HOW MUCH or AS FAR AS I know, pregnancy is full-term already in 37 weeks. What for n...

30.08.2004, 18:47
HOW MUCH or AS FAR AS I know, pregnancy is full-term already in 37 weeks. What for it is necessary to wait for forty? Whether It is impossible to cause or call labors in this term (37), whether it is harmful? Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.09.2004, 06:55
The nature stipulates term beremenosti on the average 40 weeks, but is real for each woman this period is individual. Approximately 10 % of women give birth or travail to full-term children on 42. Therefore to cause labors especially on 37 week it is impossible. Simply from this term the baby has a real chance independently to breathe, therefore when is expressed rezuskonflikt or the immune conflict, a placental failure (vital parameters from a fetus) or when advance of pregnancy will lead to a sharp aggravation of symptoms of mother (those under vital indications from mother) probably delivery ahead of schedule and probably (!!!) nursing of the child.