Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! The help, clearly, that in holidays popast is very necessary...

30.08.2004, 15:43
The dear doctor! The help, clearly is very necessary, that in holidays to get on internal consultation difficultly, and I am material strongly poizderzhalas from campaigns on doctors, it is a pity only, that the situation has on the contrary worsened. In a smear on flora have found any liptotriks, has treated terzhinanom N 10, monthly send or have come on December, 31st with a five-day delay, but the most awful, that for the second day the itch has begun, all shchipet and even painfully to go to a toilet. Clearly, that the doctor who has appointed or nominated treatment, I these days shall not find. She recommended upon termination of a menses treatment 3 - mja vials or flasks GEPONA, he a greater or big rarity in drugstores, and three vials or flasks for me dear or expensive enough pleasure. I need to leave for Saturday with children from Moscow, and to me it is simple not before, and in such status I simply do not know what to undertake. Very much I ask you to help or assist me advice or council, even, than it is possible to remove or take off an itch the nearest days before the termination or ending monthly and opportunities of visit to the doctor. Thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.09.2004, 05:54
Maria, I do not like to give advice or councils not seeing the patient. In your "exclusive" situation the most safe (and often it is effective enough) spirintsevenie with hlorgeksidinom (is on sale in each drugstore if there is no they be to eat Miramistin), dissolved or divorced 1: 1 water, and an itch to remove or take off it is possible Synaflanum (or Dermosolonum, or fljutsinar, or Ftorokortum) are a name of antipruritic ointments to apply it is necessary two - three times a day. pozhaujsta write on a mail alla@03. ru how are you doing in couple of days.