Просмотр полной версии : Hello. We have a suspicion on pregnancy - a delay days 10...

18.08.2004, 10:31
Hello. We have a suspicion on pregnancy - a delay days 10 12. Send or have come on US - speak, that if and is, term small - two weeks. Besides have told or said, that there can be a cyst and have told or said to come in 10 days, that the pier will be more clear.
Tell or Say, pozhalusta, whether has sense to pass or take place US inspection in other place or indeed this cyst can be and the reason of a delay and ambiguity of US of the diagnosis?

19.08.2004, 11:21
Perhaps, it not that case, but how much or as far as I know, in the beginning of pregnancy practically all pregnant women have a cyst which for something is necessary. Through mesjats-two (I can be mistaken) she resolves. Personally at me and was, and to me on US at once have told or said to not worry in this occasion. I did or made US on 3 4 week. Then to me already precisely could confirm pregnancy. And why to you to not try or taste other ways of acknowledgement or confirmation of pregnancy? Well even the test for 10 12. To buy or purchase in a drugstore?

20.08.2004, 15:22
Pasiba for the answer. Yes have made also such tests. On 5 tests - one has given a positive take. Not so we trust these tests as a result.

21.08.2004, 20:03
I advise to make US in other place. I did or made US for 5 day of a delay and me potverdili pregnancy. And the cyst should be, as Nina has told or said.

25.08.2004, 16:09
Andrey, descend or go through nedelku, at me too tests showed 2 strias and the doctor saw nothing, and in a week has diagnosed pregnancy

25.08.2004, 23:31
And where exactly there should be a cyst?? Thanks

29.08.2004, 21:19
Nastja usually cyst at pregnancy is a cyst of a yellow body and a yellow body in an ovary

It is lovely
30.08.2004, 16:49
I did or made US right at the beginning of pregnancy (up to a delay, on honey to indications) too have told or said, that a cyst, and it is necessary to pass or take place course of treatment. .horosho though itself has decided to remove time of the beginning of a course slightly... Here now to my "cyst" a year and 2 mes:) pretty such karapuzik

01.09.2004, 05:27
At pregnancy there is a cyst of a yellow body, in it or this there is nothing bad.