Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am am excruciated with ideas from my misunderstanding. I wish to ask, vozmazh...

23.08.2004, 17:07
Hello! I am am excruciated with ideas from my misunderstanding. I wish to ask, whether vozmazhna pregnancy if in day after conception inflammatory process has begun?. And whether pregnancy in general is possible or probable if inflammatory process has begun? Syodnja already 11 ti the day time delay minstruatsii also has recovered sharply a breast, but there are pains of a bottom of a stomach or belly and inflammatory process is observed, but he has begun in day after conception... Very much it would be desirable to receive answers to these questions....
Thankful in advance.
It at my girlfriend

24.08.2004, 04:37
And why you not kupitete for the beginning to the girlfriend the test for pregnancy, and it is even better to reduce to the doctor. Peerly nobody will give correspondence consultation all of you, at least authentic. But if there is a pregnancy, and the stomach or belly threat of an abortion is possible or probable hurts, and you sit on the Internet and argue, what is it can be.

Concealling or Thawing
27.08.2004, 13:34
What does inflammatory process mean?

29.08.2004, 13:15
2 Concealling or Thawing
Inflammatory process means that to her the lavage and a uterus did or made is inflamed.
2 Svetlana
I bought the test, but I do not trust them completely, he has shown at all I do not know what exactly but the second strip was hardly appreciable, but appreciabl if to peer.
Whether I do not know there can be it threat, still at all has not passed or has not taken place 10 ti day and doctors shchas while to tell or say particularly nothing can.....
Simply unique that it would be desirable to learn or find out, whether continuation of pregnancy is possible or probable (if she has flown) if on the efflux or expiration of day after conception inflammatory process has begun?

Concealling or Thawing
30.08.2004, 14:43
Such opportunity is. The fetal egg appears in a cavity of the uterus in how much or as far as days after a fertilization. So internal consultation of the gynecologist is necessary.

01.09.2004, 02:44
And from what forgive or excuse has not passed or has not taken place 10 ti day? From the moment of conception? Then it is no wonder, that the test gives such result. And that you worry, what the girl "has flown" (if it is possible so to name an opportunity of birth of the wonderful kid) or, what she can lose the possible or probable child? Let the girl will hand over the analysis of a blood on HGCH and all will clear up.