Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Handed over hormones, the reason pressure jumps, meteozavisimost....

29.08.2004, 07:10
Hello! Handed over hormones, the reason pressure jumps, meteozavisimost. Hormones shchitovidki-norm or rate, hormones gipofiza-4 sv-18, 06 (11, 5 23), TTG-2, 07, norm or rate (0, 17 4, 05), LG-7-4, 71 norm or rate (0, 5 10), FSG-7 den-4, 7 norm or rate (3 20), prolaktin-34, 14 norm or rate (3, 6 13, 4), Oestradiolum 7 den-62, 03 (30 200), Progesteronum 7-0, 45, the norm or rate (0, 06 1, 26) Prompt please that can provoke such digits of Prolactinum. (at menja-hr. A hepatitis, a fibromyoma of a uterus). Yes, 2 years ago did or made MRT-head mozga-pathologies it is not revealed. Whether it is necessary to pass or take place any doobsledovanie or my problems (the myoma and a hepatitis) can give such digits. Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
31.08.2004, 23:23
It is necessary to repeat research of Prolactinum. It can be functional giperprolaktinemija.