Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I am on 5 month of pregnancy. Accepted "Pregnavit" and "...

30.08.2004, 05:25
Good afternoon! I am on 5 month of pregnancy. Accepted "Pregnavit" and "Feroglobin" then at me reddenings and ecdysises a few centuries or blepharons ago have begun, around of a mouth and near by. All this itchs and is scratched. The doctor has advised me "Suprostin", but he is not recommended to pregnant women, therefore to accept often I it or him do not want. gidrokartizon too it is harmful. What can you advise? In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
31.08.2004, 17:20
Antipruritic ointments - Flucinarum, Ftorokortum, Synaflanum. To accept antihistamine it is categorically counter-indicative to pregnant women