Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, I feed the child 4 mesjatsja and nepolzovalas any kontratsept...

30.08.2004, 19:07
Zdrastvujte, I feed the child 4 mesjatsja and nepolzovalas with any contraceptives. Still how much or as far as I can be assured, that I shall not become pregnant. Thanks

31.08.2004, 12:10
At feeding exclusively a breast, under the first demand of the child, at the longest break between feedings no more than 6 hours and at daily quantity or amount of full feedings not less than 6 8 without addition even waters plodnost it is restored on 6 7 month after sorts or labors when it is entered prikorm. I doubt, that you kept all these conditions. Process of development or manufacture of Prolactinum is individual at each woman, the earliest restoration plodnosti at thoracal vskarmlivanii-on 6 j to week after sorts or labors. Therefore you cannot be assured or confident in absence at you an ovulation. To that zhe-if already was menstruatsija-conception can already come or step.