Просмотр полной версии : On US to 2001 to me it is diagnosed " the Myoma of a forward wall of a uterus "and" Gip...

28.08.2004, 19:38
On US to 2001 to me it is diagnosed " the Myoma of a forward wall of a uterus " and " giperplozija Endometrija ". Calming or abirritating grasses have been appointed or nominated: Leonurus, etc. In 2003 in marte-April nebylo a menses also has been appointed or nominated progestron (which has helped or assisted).
In May, 2003 has been diagnosed: " Sednovidnaja a uterus, zhelezisto a fibrous polyp endometrija, M-an echo 14 milimetrov the right ovary 201416, left 302120 a follicle. In the right tubal angle district education raised or increased ehogennosti non-uniform structure or frame. In June 2003 it is spent LDV. In September "Hypothyrosis" is diagnosed. "Thyroxine" 1/4 tab. in day is appointed or nominated. Since October it is appointed or nominated "Orgametril" on 1 tab. with 14 ogo day of a cycle in techeniii 10 days.
The cycle without disturbances but is disturbed with pains in current of 5 years of genitals in rest and during sex.
What can you advise for treatment???

Malanova T.B.
31.08.2004, 09:58
In absentia - anything.