Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvuje, Izvinite chto pishu latinskimi bukvami, no ja pishu iz Ameriki...

27.08.2004, 04:26
Zdrastvuje, Izvinite chto pishu latinskimi bukvami, no ja pishu iz Ameriki. Pozalujsta pomogite mene, skazite mozet li malenjkaja kista jaichnika na pravom jaichnike pomeshatj beremennossti? Ja zamujem 3 goda i ne beremeneju u muja vse normalino, no 2 meseca nazad unas obnarujili unfekciju klomidij, posle etego nam naznachili antibiotik posle etogo infekcija proshla, ja ne mogu ponjat odin vrach obnarujil kistu drugoj net, ja neznaju mojet li pomeshatj kista beremennosti. Izvinite za takoe dolgoe pismo no ja doverjau toliko vam, pojalujsta POMOGITE ZARANEE BLAGODARU

28.08.2004, 19:01
The cyst does not stir or prevent pregnancy, and she can resolve, one doctor it or her can therefore and has not seen. If you had chlamydias can and there did not come pregnancy. I think you are not right that do not trust doctors in the USA. Medicine of America the best, all rich people of Russia lechatsja there. Look or see a site www. ma-ma. ru and find in a line of jog on the Internet of the USA, I wrote to their hospitals and they give the reference.

29.08.2004, 16:46
Now the doctor in holiday, esteem www. 9monhts. ru-

30.08.2004, 05:31
Nu nachet medicini ameriki ya somnevaus. Osobenno kogda delo doxodit do besplodiya. M/y prochim mne vse govoryat mol eseh nado popitatsya. Vot kak idiotka vse pitaus. KOroche, posle xlamidii mogut bit spaiki v trubax v rezultate ostatochno vospalitelnogo processa. V Rossii delaut fizioterapiu chto bi spaiki rassasivalis. Delaut s Lifdazoi. A v Velikoi Amerike vse predlagaut vitaminki pit. Sezdite v Rossiu.

31.08.2004, 08:46
All my friends after long years of treatment in Moscow have recovered in America, rastjat already children, and I for not imeneem money all till now go on our doctors. Today the friend has told as it or her have cured in Belgium free of charge (and at us she went 5 years).