Просмотр полной версии : The cancer of ovaries is found out in my colleague, and already in very started form....

29.08.2004, 09:58
The cancer of ovaries is found out in my colleague, and already in very started form. Earlier on its or her complaints doctors calmed or abirritated and spoke, that she "inspires" herself. When were going to to do or make a biopsy have found out metastasises even in a thorax. Tell or say, how it can be possible or probable? Really on earlier stalii it was impossible to diagnose? Or this kind of a cancer is not diagnosed under the analysis of a blood?

Savchenko A.A.
31.08.2004, 00:03
60 % of patients at the moment of inspection have 3 4 stage of a cancer of ovaries. It is connected with 1) long bezsimptomnym disease, 2) absence of specific signs, t. e. Characteristic ovaries for a cancer, 3) absence of oncologic vigilance at doctors of the general or common medical network.