Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I would like to learn or find out your opinion. The American doctors consider or count, ch...

28.08.2004, 04:02
Hello! I would like to learn or find out your opinion. The American doctors consider or count, that during treatment of a candidiasis it is impossible to use Saccharum, citrus, nuts and products from integral wheat. You agree? Whether the Truth, what a chronic candidiasis can cause a memory impairment and render poisoning influence on organs? I do not accept hormones and antibiotics, but the candidiasis in any way does not pass or take place. Creams and other medicines give temporary effect.
Whether it is possible to use syringing by a hot solution of baking soda (1 tea l. On a glass of water). It was advised me by the gynecologist in Russia. In Staffs or States visit to the doctor - dear or expensive pleasure. I try to help or assist myself. I know, that the reason of a candidiasis - weak immunity (it is necessary to accept vitamins, it is more to walk, go in for sports).
What will you advise???

Malanova T.B.
30.08.2004, 23:51
1. Restrictions in meal are desirable. 2. Whether there is no at you a systemic candidiasis, that is not only a thrush, but also a lesion of other organs? 3.3. At so frequent retsidivirovanii a candidiasis special schemes or plans of treatment are now developed. 4. Syringings can lead to another of disturbance of a biocenosis of a vagina.