Просмотр полной версии : I ask you to inform that it is possible to accept after operation after excision of a myoma...

Bringing down
30.08.2004, 13:52
I ask you to inform that it is possible to accept after operation after excision of a myoma, operation was spent in institute oncologic. Operation in December, 2000 and now inflow of fever, lomit a hip joint in the right party or side, dipressija was spent. To me 48 years and whether can be accepted klimaksan.

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.08.2004, 23:34
It is possible to accept klimaksan or klimadinon or klimaktoplan. If the tumour was not zlokachesvennaja it is possible to pick up estrogens (simply I do not know volume of operation and a histology). In view of morbidity of joints it is absolutely necessary to accept a calcium with vitamin 3 (calcium 3 Nikomed or it is simple separately).