Просмотр полной версии : Little girls, advise any cream or loson from extensions, please...

18.08.2004, 05:57
Little girls, advise any cream or loson from extensions, please. At me the stomach or belly always flat was, and now 12 weeks and became vpirat, and bo to sides of the extension are formed: - (((

20.08.2004, 02:23
Est spetsialnye kremy dlya beremennyh-dlya zhivota i dlya grudei. Takzhe est maslo naturalnoe ot rastyazhek. No eto tak dlya profilaktiki. Rastyazhek izbezhat ochen slozhno i prakticheski nevozmozhno.

20.08.2004, 14:58
Thanks. They also are scratched kak-that... What will be further when the stomach or belly will be even more?

22.08.2004, 05:13
Shodi v apteku - tam est uspokaivauschie krema i geli bez parfuma dlya beremennyh. Luchshe seichas nachat imi polzovatsya. Sprosi u farmatsevta. Udachi.

23.08.2004, 09:56
JUlja, I combine different a cream t. e. Couple of weeks I use Aventom, then Lierakom (it or him in general suffices on 2 3), still used Galenik. Basically, it is pleasant to me Avent. Still I plan to try or taste CHikko. In my opinion the main regular application of a cream, t. e. In the morning and I hope in the evening while extensions at me are not present in general I on 6 m month will not appear, besides a cream I do or make an alternating douche on a breast. Speak in this business important and weight sharply to not type or collect. Success!

27.08.2004, 09:23
Anna, Svetlana, thanks. I voobshche-that in weight have added only 600 gram, but the tummy has appeared also a breast has increased strongly (bras it was necessary to buy others). I shall be smeared with a cream:-))) And it is possible children's butter or oil? Or he for these purposes is not necessary?

30.08.2004, 18:29
Suits, just as sterilized olikovoe butter or oil. Rastjazhki-it is feature of a skin. At me 38 weeks and while is not present:) massage, intensivanyj an alternating douche and a bath Helps or Assists. Only be not frightened this word, how much I see pregnant women in bane-all bore or took out and have given birth, on the second wear.