Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Respond me please to my question, he for a long time me ineteres...

27.08.2004, 07:49
Hello! Respond me please to my question, he for a long time me ineteresuet, yes all I forget to ask. HERE mine mum and the grandmother to me categorically forbid to lay in bathing during monthly... Speak what is it can privetsi to bad consequences. Whether so it (and than it threatens me) or it nevertheless what that horror stories from the past??? In advance thanks for the answer.

The anonym
28.08.2004, 21:18
Yes though to a sauna go during a menses, in fact it cherevato only that the bleeding can a little will amplify or the menses will go for 1 day more longly and so is absolutely safely...

30.08.2004, 09:33
During monthly the risk of a becoming infected as "there" all is opened or open raises or increases. And in a sauna and without monthly it is possible to pick up much that. Be simply cautious, have not a seat " naked sing " on benches and t. Item