Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I am ill or sick with a psoriasis with 3 h years. At anybody from mine rodstvenn...

29.08.2004, 17:56
The dear doctor! I am ill or sick with a psoriasis with 3 h years. At anybody from my relatives (-the extreme measure of those about which knows to me - up to great-great-grandmothers) this illness or disease was not. What the probability that at my child will be this illness or disease (I plan pregnancy)? Thanks for the answer.

Dr Mezheritskiy
30.08.2004, 05:06
Ne dumau chto kto-to risknet nazivat veroyatnost dlya psoriaza. Do sich por ne yasni prichini bolezni, ravno kak i o peredache po nasledstvu dannie ochen protivorecheivi. Scoree vsego peredaetsya predraspologennost k psoriazu, no opyat ge vse eto na urovne discussiy:-)