Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 37 weeks. At analyses of a blood toksoplazmos-0, 540. What is it...

28.08.2004, 21:28
Pregnancy of 37 weeks. At analyses of a blood
toksoplazmos-0, 540. What is it, how to be treated? How it will be reflected in sorts or labors and health of the child?

Oshchepkova S.R.
29.08.2004, 23:28
The toxoplasmosis happens: congenital (at infection of the woman during pregnancy) and got. At the majority the toxoplasmosis proceeds without any clinical displays. Disease chronic (from infection before display passes or takes place a lot of time). Presence infitsirovannosti women up to pregnancy does not lead to a congenital toxoplasmosis at a fetus. Clinic (at 30 %) at an exacerbation: temperature 37, 1 - 37, 5; limfoadenopatija, augmentation of a liver, change of an electrocardiogram, encephalitises, nevynashivanie pregnancy. (Blood) or by means of an intracutaneous test with toksoplazminom is defined or determined by means of serological tests. In general - that is infected toksoplazmoj about 30 % of all population. Infection occurs or happens from the cats, the allocating originator to excrements. The originator is saved in ground about one year. The basic way of infection through a digestive tube. Prophylaxis: Keeping of hygiene, washing of arms or hand after job with the ground, dialogue with cats, it is impossible to eat crude meat, forcemeat (happen cows, pigs are infected, but it is rare).
You should find out, when there was a becoming infected - consultation infektsionista - then and to solve a question on treatment.