Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor, I accept P-Pils (garmonalnye contraceptives Novyne...

28.08.2004, 09:50
Hello the Doctor,
I accept P-Pils (garmonalnye contraceptives "Novynette") 1, 5 years. Periodically there is a thrush. Recently has learned or has found out, that, before purpose or appointment of the such preparations, many pass or take place full garmonalnyj the analysis. At me anything similar was not. No chronic diseases and deviations or rejections at me are present. Whether It is possible for me to continue to accept them or vse-taki it is necessary to pass or take place any test, inspection? Except for a thrush, some dryness of a vagina and changes of mood before a menses nothing disturbs. Yearly I am checked at genekologa. To me 26 years, beremennostej were not, the partner constant.

Soboleva L.I.
29.08.2004, 21:38
Hello! You can to continue accept Novinet. Sometimes doses of hormones in preparations happens insufficiently, there are bleedings of break. As it or this has not occured or happened, continue to accept Novinet and further.